ROUND 1 stone colds dreamteam V Gone Bombing Springfield Isotopes V Sir Dan's Panthers Eagles Legends V Usa Chaingang PJ's Bratz V Killer Kangaroos vb slabs V buffalo bills  
ROUND 2 Usa Chaingang V PJ's Bratz Sir Dan's Panthers V Eagles Legends Gone Bombing V Springfield Isotopes vb slabs V stone colds dreamteam buffalo bills V Killer Kangaroos
ROUND 3 Killer Kangaroos V Eagles Legends Usa Chaingang V Springfield Isotopes Sir Dan's Panthers V stone colds dreamteam Gone Bombing V vb slabs PJ's Bratz V buffalo bills  
ROUND 4 stone colds dreamteam V Usa Chaingang Springfield Isotopes V Killer Kangaroos Eagles Legends V PJ's Bratz vb slabs V Sir Dan's Panthers buffalo bills V Gone Bombing
ROUND 5 Killer Kangaroos V stone colds dreamteam Usa Chaingang V vb slabs   Sir Dan's Panthers V Gone Bombing PJ's Bratz V Springfield Isotopes Eagles Legends V buffalo bills  
ROUND 6 stone colds dreamteam V PJ's Bratz Springfield Isotopes V Eagles Legends Gone Bombing V Usa Chaingang vb slabs V Killer Kangaroos buffalo bills V Sir Dan's Panthers
ROUND 7 Killer Kangaroos V Gone Bombing Usa Chaingang V Sir Dan's Panthers Eagles Legends V stone colds dreamteam PJ's Bratz V vb slabs Springfield Isotopes V buffalo bills  
ROUND 8 stone colds dreamteam V Springfield Isotopes Sir Dan's Panthers V Killer Kangaroos Gone Bombing V PJ's Bratz vb slabs V Eagles Legends buffalo bills V Usa Chaingang
ROUND 9 Killer Kangaroos V Usa Chaingang Springfield Isotopes V vb slabs   Eagles Legends V Gone Bombing PJ's Bratz V Sir Dan's Panthers stone colds dreamteam V buffalo bills  
ROUND 10 Gone Bombing V stone colds dreamteam Sir Dan's Panthers V Springfield Isotopes Usa Chaingang V Eagles Legends Killer Kangaroos V PJ's Bratz buffalo bills V vb slabs  
ROUND 11 PJ's Bratz V Usa Chaingang Eagles Legends V Sir Dan's Panthers Springfield Isotopes V Gone Bombing stone colds dreamteam V vb slabs Killer Kangaroos V buffalo bills  
ROUND 12 Eagles Legends V Killer Kangaroos Springfield Isotopes V Usa Chaingang stone colds dreamteam V Sir Dan's Panthers vb slabs V Gone Bombing buffalo bills V PJ's Bratz  
ROUND 13 Usa Chaingang V Camelot Dragons Killer Kangaroos V Springfield Isotopes PJ's Bratz V Eagles Legends Sir Dan's Panthers V vb slabs Gone Bombing V buffalo bills  
ROUND 14 stone colds dreamteam V Killer Kangaroos vb slabs V Usa Chaingang Gone Bombing V Sir Dan's Panthers Springfield Isotopes V PJ's Bratz buffalo bills V Eagles Legends
ROUND 15 PJ's Bratz V stone colds dreamteam Eagles Legends V Springfield Isotopes Usa Chaingang V Gone Bombing Killer Kangaroos V vb slabs Sir Dan's Panthers V buffalo bills  
ROUND 16 Gone Bombing V Killer Kangaroos Sir Dan's Panthers V Usa Chaingang stone colds dreamteam V Eagles Legends vb slabs V PJ's Bratz buffalo bills V Springfield Isotopes
ROUND 17 Springfield Isotopes V stone colds dreamteam Killer Kangaroos V Sir Dan's Panthers PJ's Bratz V Gone Bombing Eagles Legends V vb slabs Usa Chaingang V buffalo bills  
ROUND 18 Usa Chaingang V Killer Kangaroos vb slabs V Springfield Isotopes Gone Bombing V Eagles Legends Sir Dan's Panthers V PJ's Bratz buffalo bills V stone colds dreamteam

Games are run every saturday night. Therefore all team line ups are to be in by 11pm on friday nights.If team lineup not submitted by this time will use the previous weeks lineup to run the game .

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