Greetings, and welcome to my temporary Stargate fan site! Yeah, I know this is kinda crappy right now, but I swear as I putts around with HTML more I'll get it looking all pretty. Like this summer when I'm not working on my extended essay and volunteer hours. When this site is completed it'll hopefully have all my loverly Stargate related fan stuff. Videos, stories, art, etc. In the meantime, enjoy the fics. :D

Site Updated: May 1, 2007

Threads of My Wings (Series)
        Book 1:The General's Daughter
               Jacob gets a new symbiote, Sam makes some decisions,
               and a new goa'uld shows his face.
               Part 1  Part 2  Part  3

        Book 2: The Courtship of Sam Carter (In Progress)
               Jack and Sam try to work around the new set of system lords, 
               four dimensional aliens, and threats against the galaxy as they 
               begin their new relationship.
               Part 1 Part 2
    A call from Sam leads Jack to find her bleeding on the living room floor. 
    But those wounds are  just superficial, there's others they have to worry about.
    Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

Oh So You

    Two double drabbles.
    "Oh So Sam" - Jack's POV about his favorite astrophysicist
    "Oh So Jack" - Sam's POV about her =^.^=
Truly, Madly, Deeply(In Progress)
    With SG1 involved in a political revolution on another planet, 
    Sam and Jack begin having difficulties keeping their relationship a secret.
    And when their friends find out, it only causes more trouble than they expected.

The Dark Side of The Moon(In Progress)
    Everyone has a darker side, even Sam Carter. Here's a little look at hers, the things
    that go on between SG-1 that no one usually sees. The little flaws that make them 
    stronger, while threatening to tear them apart.
    Part 1 Part 2

The Sound in The Darkness (coming soon as i have time to put it up...)

Their Eyes Watched The Stars(In Progress)

    They never saw the obvious, what was really going on before their faces, 
    because their eyes were too busy watching the stars.
    Part 1

Raindrops on Roses(In Progress
    Herosfixit. After the mission to P3X666, Janet and Sam begin to find their 
    attraction too strong to bear, despite, and maybe because of, the riggors of their job.
Sweet Dreams are Made of This
      A little bit of Sam/Janet fluff
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