Title: Oh So You
Author:Gen. Sam Carter
Email: [email protected] Comments Greatly Appreciated!
Summary:Two double drabbles. One from Jack's POV on Sam, and one from Sam's POV on Jack
Warnings: Oh noes! I talk about sex...
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine. They belong to Showtime, MGM, Gekko, and Top Secret. I'm only borrowing them and pushing them aorund a bit

Oh So Sam

There was something Jack liked about the way she looked, hunched over her laptop in the darkness, her face turned a pale shade of blue by the screen. Probably because she looked gorgeous no matter what lighting she was under, but also because the image was oh-so-Sam.

There was something Jack enjoyed about the way she felt as he slipped his arms around her waist, standing behind her and pressing his face against the side of her neck. He could feel strength under his arms, but strength moulded into the perfect form of a female body, combining into something that was oh-so-Sam and only Sam.

There was something Jack loved about the way she tasted as he kissed her neck, that salty-sweet taste and the satiny feeling of her skin under his lips. And the noises she made, a soft intake of breath, a quiet moan that hitched in the back of her throat, those noises that were oh-so-Sam and perfectly Sam.

And his favourite, there was something Jack positively, absolutely adored about making love to her. The way her body felt beneath his, the way her skin felt against his, because she was just oh-so-Sam and only his Sam.

Oh So Jack

There was something Sam liked about catching him out of the corner of her eye, watching her from the doorway. Perhaps it was the way he lingered there, in shadow and in light, hesitating in the way that was oh-so-Jack.

There was something Sam enjoyed about the way it felt as he slipped his strong arms about her waist, standing close enough behind her that heat radiated from his body. As he pressed his face to her neck and his body to hers that heat only intensified into a feeling that was oh-so-Jack and only Jack.

There was something Sam loved about the way he kissed her. The way his lips gently touched the skin beneath her ear, making her shiver despite the heat, making her gasp. The lips only pressed harder, coaxing out the sound in a way that was oh-so-Jack and perfectly Jack.

And then there was something Sam positively, absolutly adored about making love to him. The way his strong, tonned body felt against hers, the way he would treat her delicately sometimes and not be afraid to be rough other times. She loved every minute of it because he was just oh-so-Jack and only her Jack.

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