Eds Facts

Name: Edward D Chesters Eds disappears in a puff of smoke
D.O.B: 24th October 1971
Nickname: The Animal
Marital Status: Married to the lovely Zazie
Descendants: Benjamin Anakin Chesters (13/3/99) - who owns an ickle diddy Bluetones T-shirt, and sings on Sail on Sailor if you listen at the end - and Edie ? Chesters (6/6/01)
Siblings: A sister, Catherine, who lives in America. An elder brother who has acted upon occasion as the Bluetones tour manager. And at least one other brother. Moreover, one of the brothers is named Michael. Intriguing, non?
From: County Durham
To: 'The Bush' (Shepherd's)
Subject of choice: Chemistry. Young Eds dreamed of becoming a pharmacist before giving it all up to join the Bluetones. Now that's dedication...
Groovy?  No question Special talents: Being damn intelligent, retaining a suave sense of styleee incorporating regular braces and cardie wear, carrying his hair superbly, inventing stuff
School: St Chad's Comprehensive RCA, Bishop's Auckland
Qualifications: A-levels in Maths, Physics and Chemistry. (Terrified? God, us too!)
First gig: Lindifarne
First record bought: 'Runaway Boys' - the Stray Cats
Plays drums because... he used to play 'crap boogie-woogie piano' and twas crap.
Joined the Bluetones...: After leaving the touring band for (frankly poor) twin sister singers Soho.
Mark on Eds: The enthusiastic wing.
Adam on Eds: Eds eats vegetables like you or I would eat hamburgers - he's veg crazy.
Celebrity crush: Carol Smillie (hehe maybe)

As you can see, Eds is a mysterious character in his own inimitable way, and so knowledge about him isn't all that it might be. If you know something about Eds that you think is vital to anyone wanting to understand the mystery behind the man that we call Chesters, please, please, for the sake of humanity as we know it, email it to one of us via the link on the homepage. Thankyou, and have a nice day!

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