Buy the General Ed T-Shirt

This is sort of an experiment at first to see if anyone actually wants one (if it proves popular we will introduce a Lieutenant Dick one as well), but we're offering an exclusive (*gasp*) General Ed T-shirt (as pictured below) to our visitors. We are non-profit (and not wishing to rip anyone off) so we're only charging the price of the white T-shirt plus the postage (we don't know how much it'll be yet... we'll say £1.75 and if it's less we'll give you change or something).

General Ed T-Shirt

For those of you on computers which don't let you see (or with less than perfect eyesight) it says 'Dad-Faced Ribena Drinker' in sorta kiddie writing in Ribena purple. Also says in little writing on the back @ the top. This styleeee is £2.50 plus p&p (hehe how official sounding!) which is basically a white T-shirt with a round neck. It's not too flattering for la laydeez apparently so if you'd rather have a strappy top or a nice long-sleeved one Ed found (with black sleeves!) email us and we will tell you the price for those. Anyway if you want one email us with size or whatever and we will get back to you soonsoonsoon. Hurrah!


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