Best Storylines
I have started watching GH on and off since 1994 so the BJ storyline and preceeding storylines from 1994 won't be found on here.
#1. Robin and Stone's love storyline. This was pure magic. The writers were att heir top with this storyline. The actor's were amazing (Kimberly McCullough-Robin-won a Daytime Emmy for this performance) It was a modern day Romeo and Juliet, with a twist. Stone had Aids and didn't know until it was too late. Robin contracted it from him, but the virus never fully developed. The storyline was mature. Stone died in 1995 and Robin is still living. This was a heart-tugger.
#2. Emily's breast cander. Natalia Livingston is amazing as the newest Emily. And the storyline is powerful (sure it's a little early in the game to say it's the 2nd best storyline ever, but I have hope in this one) Every character involved in this one is amazing. Monica gives information and goes through with Emily what she's gone through a decade ago. Breast cancer touches everyone and the thought of a teenager getting it is even more powerfull.
#3. Chloe and Jax's storyline. Not a whole lot of people liked this couple, but for those who did such as me, they were the best to come in a while.
Chloe was a great character, and though she was better than Jax, they made a great couple. Until he left her for a Brenda look-a-like. She went blind, when she recovered the poor girl got killed by Stavros.
#4. Kristina's death and the aftercome. Sure Kristina hadn't been in Port Charles for long but you can't deny how powerful the scenes of her death were. Alexis was driven "mad" after her step-sisters death. Plenty of great writing, amazing acting, what more could I ask for? It seems GH is good at writing death.
#5. Speak of a powerhouse couple on Daytime, and you'll more than likely hear Sonny and Carly Corinthos. These two have been through hell and back, twice and then some.  Plenty of love triangles, paternity tests, misscariages, family troubles, Mob and these two are still together, if they can make it why can't others? The writers never seem to run out of storylines for these two, though at times it seems like GH is the Sonny Corinthos hour, the writers have changed that dilemna and storylines are distributed evenly now.
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