Why a Page On GH
Happy ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!! This site has been through a lot, and for 5 months I was unable to update it due to this virus.

Why GH? Though this year isn't the best, it's still good and keeps me entertained. To clear things up, the show has had better years...

    I still have hope that it will go to the glamour and fun it once was, and that sometime they might add some diversity characters (other than one black man).

    Other than that, the show is doing great stuff with the teens and intriguing things matching and mixing new and interesting couples...

   The show could get rid of some loose ends (Jex, Sam amongst others)

   The show has always been one of my favorites, but lately it's slipping in my value of respect. There are some valuable characters, Faith and Skye comes to mind.

   Maybe the show should put Sonny and Carly in a "backburner" storyline soon, cause the show isn't called The Corinthoses...

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