THE END OF AN ERA! Five years ago, Sailor Moon defeated an ultra-powerful being named Choas. Evil was cast out of the Universe, and the balance of peace restored. But as Sailor Moon and the rest of the Sailor Scouts will soon discover, that was not the end. A storm is building on the horizon; a storm that threatens not only the peace the Sailor Scouts fought so hard to attain, but also threatens their lives, their souls, and their very innocence! When the dust settles with the final chapter of this saga, nothing will ever be the same again!
Mercury Twilight: It is five years after the final Episode of Sailor Moon Stars. Serena Tsukino and friends have nearly forgotten what it was like to be a Senshi. They all have jobs and go to College, content to live normal lives at last! But evil returns, once again from the distant future! Neo-Queen Serenity arrives to warn of an impending evil, and right on her heels is a being known only as Dark Mercury! When her true identity becomes revealed, it will rock the very foundations of the Sailor Moon Universe! Can Sailor Moon defeat Dark Mercury? Or will her evil and hatred overpower the pure hearted Senshi and summon a new age of terror and darkness for all of Time?!
Mercury Paradox (by Guardian of Stars): A group of refugees from the 30th Century, which was devastated by Dark Mercury, pilot a trio of Starships back in time to try and correct the problem. But they are thrown horribly off course, and wind up in an Alternate Reality! One where Dark Mercury never actually died, and where the original Sailor Moon villain, Queen Beryl, is orchestrating the final destruction of Earth!
Senshi Prime: For one billion years, the Sailor Senshi have watched over and protected the Universe. Now their anniversary is at hand, and Sailor Moon and friends are invited to the party. But who is there to crash the party, but a powerful being named Cold Star. He's a Sentient Sun leading an army of evil Senshi, and he's got a grudge against Galaxia. His aim is to destroy Kinmoku, and everyone on that world. Can Sailor Moon help turn the tide against this nearly unstoppable foe? Can she live up to the legendary prophesy of Senshi Prime?
Countdown to Zero Hour: At last! The final chapter in the End of an Era Saga! Sailor Pluto is tired of standing by and watching one disaster happen after another! Time is in shambles, a multitude of Senshi have died in the war against evil, and the glorious future of Crystal Tokyo is now more of a dream than ever before! Pluto seeks to use an Artifact known as the Rod of Chronos to recreate reality and in doing so to erase all of the mistakes she ever made! But when Dark Mercury arises again and seeks the Rod for herself, Pandora's Box is opened like it has never been opened before! And the race for the Rod begins between Dark Mercury and her minions; Sailor Pluto and HER minions; and Sailor Moon and her allies and friends, who believe that NO ONE should weild the power of Creation..... Not even Sailor Pluto!!
Character Profiles: This is a listing of the new characters introduced by me during the course of the three stories. Each character has a complete profile and background.
Images: Complete gallery of never-before-seen characters. Each pic is unique to my stories and my stories alone. so if you wanna see never before seen pics click on the link!
Sailor Moon and all associated characters are copyright 1992 by NaokoTakeuchi, Kodansha, TV Asahi, and Toei Animation. Mercury Twilight, and Senshi Prime are copyright 2000 by Jacob Ingalls. Characters: Dark Mercury, The Nova Senshi, Sailor Solara, Sailor Earth, Sailor Stratus, Sailor Rainbow Prism, Sailor Nebula, Sailor Polaris, Sailor Ishtar Terra, and any other characters not introduced in the television series are copyright 2000 by Jacob Ingalls/ aka: Kingofmercury.
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