The Pictures on this page are based on characters in Mercury Twilight and Senshi Prime. Some of them were drawn from scratch, and the rest were altered from pre- existing pics i found on the internet using Photoshop 6.0. You won't find pics like these anywhere else on the entire internet, and I better not ever find them anywhere else! if you take my pictures without asking, then i will come down on you harder than an Anvil! i worked hard on these pics! *takes a few deep breaths and waits for the veins in his forehead to stop pulsating* Anyway... I finished with the Nova Senshi. Hope you like them :). .
Pics I drew from scratch. Give me a break! I'm not Leonardo Da Vinci!
Pics I altered from the internet. Turns out I'm much better at this =).
These are pics of Dark Mercury done by a friend of mine. Credit goes to [email protected]
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