The core of the AIWC, that's me on the far left. Dec. 2000


That's me sporting my trusty M249.  Taken in Feb. 2000, I was still just a PFC.


Sorry the pic is so big, I use this as my wallpaper sometimes.  That's me again somewhere in the Fort Gordon Training Areas, April 2000.


The Foreign Fanatics about to take on the Hawaiian Army, that's me on the right.  June 2000.


While I was in training we were unable to go anywhere.  This, however, was our first night of freedom.  Nov. 1998


One of my not-so-favorite parts of the job, the endless strands of concertina wire.  May 2001


During a month-long exercise (Grecian Firebolt) we were allowed to go to Washington, DC.  My film was lost but I recovered at least this much.  June 1999


I took this picture myself at home in Fillmore, California, on leave for the first time.  Echo 369 was my AIT training unit, the mighty "Wolfpack"  Dec, 1998.


Yeah, I played a little football in High School, September 1997


Every once in a while, for training purposes, we get gassed.  Unfortunately this is just colored smoke, but they did use CS (tear gas). May 2001


This is me wearing my Dad's Drill Sgt. hat and grilling a few burgers in my backyard.  April 1999


Yes even a guy like me gets leied!  Christmas leave, Dec. 1999


I'm a big Misfits fan.  This is the back of my ticket signed by Jerry Only when I saw them in Winston-Salem, NC.  Nov. 2000


And this is my good friend Jimmy, or Jimi45.  He and I have seen the Misfits twice.


This is Me all decked out in my Dress Greens at my sister's wedding with my Mom. June 2000


This sticker proudly graces my Little Honda, next to the Black Flag sticker.


And these are the actual Misfits.  I took this picture at the Masquerade in Atlanta where cameras are forbidden.  May 12, 2001


This is our 2000 New Years Eve party at a friends house who shall remain anonymous to make the guilty less obvious.  Dan laments that we are, "almost out".


That's Me and my rhythm guitarist Rogelio, part of Maximum Overdrive.  Apr. 1999


I just felt like getting this picture taken, I'm really a happier guy!  Dec. 2000.


Here's a quick polaroid of me and the Big Dude from the North pole.  Thanks Greg.  Dec. 2000


Myself and the happy groom David.  We've worked together since April 1999.  Taken May 15, 2000.


This is our Sergeant's going away get-together.  That's me on the far right.  March 2001.


Another shot of Me and a few other guys creeping through the woods.  May, 2000.


This picture, you'll never see again.  That corner was completely stripped bare, but at least I got a pic out of it, Dec. 1998.


A rare image; Myself getting the crap kicked out of Me! Dec. 1998


That says is all.  I played a little soccer for our team.  Actually won a few games.  March 1999.


There's me again in Ventura, California, enjoying a little Christmas leave.  Dec. 1999


And if you wanna see more, look in my briefcase.  Or you can find me and stare.

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