insert hate mail here
Our Info. --   Generic Part 2 --  Pictures --  Auctions --  Movies --  Quotes --  Music --  #'s --  Disturbing Publications--
Poll  -- Top Five
(For older updates C-L-I-C-K that.)
July 7,2003:   New phone numbers!  Summerfest pics coming soon!

July 1. 2003: 
IV'VE TAKEN OVER MUHAHA BETH IS DEAD!...more updates coming up today.....with my new partner in crime.....a mystery guest..some of this half is being updated...we might change servers also.  Going to summerfest, we'll have pics soon!  New phone numbers!

April 18, 2003:
We're working on adding more phone #'s & fixing the pictures, also adding new look alikes when we are done fixing every FUCKING thing else.

MARCH 5, 2
0003:  Yup well finishing up fixing the site finally and eventually well will add the rest of the concert stuff and a page for a our new band, no bullshit this time, we're actually starting a real band, not a fake one....well maybe not. anywho, email our band at  WOO HOOO! yea anywho.  that's about it for now...ahhh mommy! .
    - Beth. (deny the bullet and the b

003:  DID WE MENTION THE OTHER HALF OF THE SITE WE'RE WORKING ON?? click HERE NOW!!!! to go to it! - leslie
     - he he, finally updated and almost improved.... ok ok we're woking on it, i hope the new design finds you all well.  I moved most of our older updates to the 'older news' page, so for a while this page is going to look a little empty.  well now that we updated this front page, we have to finish the rest hopefully but the end of the week, there will be something to look at. Yea, and i fixed the links on the 'online fun' pages, so navigation shouldn't be that hard anymore, and we still have to fix alot of the links on the other pages and find a uniform back ground...but it'll get better by the end of the week or at least over the weekend. well anywho, remember kids, it's only illegal if someone SEES you.  - beth
Ps- we thought it was time to retire our 'Warped de Mexico" page, too bad i really liked it.  Oh well, there's always next year. 

Pps- just because you live south of Madison, doesn't mean you're 'hardcore', fuckin' rich white boys, shit your house could eat mine and still be hun
WEEK OF July 8, 2003- next time site is updated
This is a new section I thought up at 3 am to make this page more interesting... Basically this is a list of leslie and I's picks for the week.
SONG : The Pina Colada Song(Escape)
MOVIE : This IS Spinal Tap (an over-rated movie)
SONG:  Blister in the Sun
MOVIE:  Election
-I have eaten Beth's soul... she is no more!  I am the mystery guest :)  I will be here until Beth comes back to life (if that ever happens)
-Summerfest! Wee!  Pictures coming soon! 

                     (For a more complete listing of shows go
here or here.)
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