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Football in the Groin Productions
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I did this alsmost immediately after I discovered the tutorial. This is my first successful attempt at a lightsaber in After Effects.
My first After Effects experiment
The Lightsaber Gauntletts are bendable lightsaber blades that are on the sides of ones wrists. They can be used for kung-fu styles of fighting.
The Gauntlett Test
The purpose of this test was to have two lightsabers on screen at once, to have one go behind another, then go in front, and to see the actual clashing.
Two lightsabers clashing
This one I also did in After Effects. Here I cut off my own arm and it drops to the floor. I had to try this because there will be alot of limbs flying around in our movie.
Arm Sever
The main purpose of this test is to see if I can stab people convincingly, as well as practicing rotoscoping with no rod.
Here, I stab my little brother. Aren't I nice?  (Currently down)
Finally, after tackling those darn masks in After Effects, and precision colour correcting, I have achieved the best saber test ever, and I feel that it matches Episode II, if I do say so my self.
The Greatest Saber Test Ever
Although it is quite obvious that there is a line where I made a mask in After Effects, I would definately say that this is my best work yet. Aside from the line down the middle, the lightsabers were also painted with no rods either.
Attack of My Clone

March Break boredom got a hold on us, so why not make a lightsaber duel?

Not just any lightsaber duel, about one on solid ice? Yes, thats right. SOLID FREAKING ICE. Enjoy.
Clash Of the Sabers
We here at Football in the Groin Productions apologize for the following:
-improper compression for the videos
-the fact that we are on geocities
-for boring you to tears
-for having little or no style to the website.
-crappy video quality.
-to mac users who don't have divx
Coming Soon
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