
Jarind's Letters


Genetic Lists


Letters of Signs

Dna.gif (16225 bytes)dr_ben.jpg (8313 bytes)  Genetic (Jarind's)jslogo.jpg (16825 bytes)Letters
As Language(letter) of Signs 

Example for language of signs by using
Jarind's Letters

Cat Cat.gif (2936 bytes)
= sign_c.jpg (11940 bytes) + sign_a.jpg (15081 bytes) +sign_t.jpg (11807 bytes)
Dog Dog-d.gif (2694 bytes) = sign_d.jpg (11163 bytes) +
sign_o.jpg (12726 bytes) +sign_g.jpg (14319 bytes)
PigPigwalk.gif (11627 bytes)=
sign_p.jpg (10054 bytes) +sign_i.jpg (9610 bytes)+ sign_g.jpg (14319 bytes)
The child only point his or her index to his or
her own parts of body which represent specific
letters, relate to specific body area. It's too easy
to show letters by hand for each other to
remember and understand even letters,phrases
or sentences. It's a simple way for normal and
deaf children to understand each other by
simple language of signs. I'm glad to see deaf
child who can communicate with normal one
and understands each other friendly. How I
can mention that these
Jarind's - Sims' Letters
are useful not only for gene matching but also
for teaching language of signs in the deaf
children. If these letters are practically used
in teaching for school boys and girls, it will lead
health for all without genetic undesired diseases

In addition to those that have been mentioned,
I would like to offer you the new law of the
occurrence of diseases is:
Expression of disease 
= Genetic factor + Environment + Timing

All of this report is owed and devote to
Gregor Johann Mendel
(father of genetics),
(who invented scrabble or spear's games).
It's also grateful toThai teachers, my patients and
any ones whom to be concerned with me.
jslogo.jpg (16825 bytes)

Arrow_l.gif (1862 bytes)

Email1.gif (11298 bytes)

To Author:

Dr.Jarind B. Sriraumpuch



Update since 10/09/50

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