The flexible AI project

The GW artificial intelligence engine, is a flexible system which can play an (unlimited) set of turn-based strategic wargames, designed within a certain ruleset. The system employs genetic algorithms in order to adapt to different game setups.

Currently two games are available, which make use of this AI system.

Any comments or questions you may have, are welcomed at [email protected]

See also: Screenshots from the games


System requirements: Windows 95+, DirectX 5.0+, Pentium-class CPU, 32MB RAM, graphics card capable of displaying 800x600 in hicolor.

Download Genetic Warfare A (4.2 MB)
In this game you use infantry, machinegun units, tanks and artillery to crush your opponent.


Download Genetic Warfare B (4.3 MB)
Use various infantry squads to conquer the enemy's land. Available units are: recon squads, assault squads, machineguns, snipers and grenadiers.

Download AI update 1 for Genetic Warfare B (5 KB)
The updated AI is a lot better as the defender, and perhaps a little better as the attacker.


Note: If any significant improvements are made to the AI system in the future, updates for the games will be made available.

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