In the Name of God Amen. The fourteenth Day of March, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty two. I Ann Williamfon of Isle of Wight County, do make this my Present Testament declaring my last Will in manner and form following that is to say. First and Principally above all Earthly Things I commit my Soul &c -

Item. I Give to my Sister Sarah Exum the Use and Labour of one Negro Boy called Jacob, During her Natural Life, and after her Decease, I Give the said Negro Boy called Jacob to Moses Exum to him and his Heirs forever. alfo I Give my said Sifter one Chest and one Table, One Iron Pott, and one Brafs Kettle.

Item. I give to Moses Exum one Dish and Bason.

Item. I give to my Brother John Exum one Negro Boy called David and to his Heirs forever, and I Give my said Brother one Iron Pott.

Item. I Give to my Brother William Exum one Negro Boy Called Tom and to his Heirs forever, and alfo, one Iron Pott.

Item. I Give to my Brother Joseph Exum, one Negro Girl called Beck and to his Heirs forever.

Item. I Give to Elijah Exum one Bed and furniture to him & his Heirs forever.

Item. I Give the Rest and residue of my Whole Estate equally to be divided amongft my three Brothers and two Cousons Vizt. John Exum, William Exum and Joseph Exum, Ann Westray, Susannah Atkinson and my Sister Sarah Exum, Share and Share alike, and I do hereby make my Brother John Exum and my Friend Thomas Williamfon my full and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby Revoke, Disannul and make void all Former Wills and Testaments by me Heretofore Made. Witnefs hereof I hereunto put my Hand and Affixt my seal the Day and Year above Written.

Ann Williamfon

Signd Sealed and Deliveref
As the last Will and Testamt.
of Ann Williamfon....
Chal. Binns
Jacob Williamfon
Daniel Mackey

At a Court held for Isle of Wight County February 7 1753.

The last Will and Testament of Ann Williamfon Dead was Presented in Court by John Exum one of the Executors therein named/ Thomas Williamfon the other Executor refusing to take on himself the Burthen of the Execution thereof/ who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oath of Jacob Williamfon one of the Witnefses thereto, and Ordered to be Recorded.

Teste Jas. Baker, Clk.



True and just Inventory of all the Goods and Chattles of Ann Williamson deced as dar forth as I can Learn or discover -

Tp four Young Negro's named as follows, Jacob, Davy, Tom, & Beck, to 7 head of Chattle, To 1 mare and fidesaddle & Saddle Cloth, To 1 hackney Saddle and two Bridles, to Two Sows and nght and 4 other hoggs, To 3 Sheep, to 1 brafs Candlestick, To 1 Iron ditto, To 3 Iron potts, hooks, and 1 Iron Skellet, to 1 feather bed and furniture, to 1 small brafs Kettle, to 1 brafs spice mortar and pestle, to 44 pewter, to 2 Chests, to 2 trunks, to 2 Spinning Wheels, to 1 safe, to 1 handsaw, to 1 Gun, to 1 Grind Stone, to 1 Box Iron and heaters, To 2/6 of Cards, to 1 Table and 2 Table Cloths, to 1 form, to half Doz. Chairs, to 1 Couch, to 2 Benches, to 1 Bee hive, to 1 frying pan, to 393 lb of dried Meat, to 1 Brush, to 40 lb Unbroke flax, to 2 Meal sifters and 1 ridole, to 1 Washing tubb, to 1 Pale, to 2 piggins, To 2 1/2 Barrells of Corn, to 5 Barrells and 3 Bushells ___ of rotten Corn, to 1 Cart and Wheels and 1 Cart saddle and Colar and harnis, to 1 Case of Knives and forks, to 1 pepper box, to 1 Tin funnell, to 3 Augers, to 3 small stone Juggs, to 2 Earthen potts, to 3 Earthen Muggs, to 691 Eight penny Nails, To 4 Raw hides, To 7 Suits of Cloaths, to 366 lb of Salt, To 104 lb of pewter, to 7 Sheets, to a small Quantity of Leather, to 2 Meal baggs, To 1 Wallet, to 2 Bells, to 16 1/2 lb of Cotton, to small Bucket, To 2 Basketts, To 1/6 of Traces, to 4 Sickels, to 1 Doz of Glafs Bottles, to 2 Vials, to 15 Gafe and Eleven other fowls, to 67 lb of old Iron, To 1 brafs Skimmer, to 7 Cyder Casks and 2 Tubbs, to 1 flax Brake, To 1 old ____, to 1 3/4 lb Yam, To half Thousand pinns, to 1 Looking Glafs, to 2 pr Shoes, To 4 Napkins, To 2 Trays, To 1 Pewter Chamber pott, To a small Quantity of sope, To 15 1/2 lb of hoggs Lard, To a parcell of fodder, To a small Quantity of Lime, To a parcell of old Lumber, To 6 3/4 Yards of Linen.

John Exum

At a Court held for Isle of Wight County Novr. 1753.

An Inventory of the Estate of Ann Williamson was turned into Court by the Exr. and Ordered to be Recorded.

Teste Jas. Baker Cl Cur

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