Hi, and welcome to our Heroes area. Here, you can find out about all the heroes of Krynn. There will be a short description of what they did and in what age/ages. I hope you find what your looking for! BYE!

Tanis half-elven is the result of a brutal rape his mother being elven and a distant relative of the Speaker of the Sun. When his mother died shortly after his birth the Speaker rose him. He and Laurana, the speaker's daughter, developed a relation ship. When he grew old enough he moved to Solace and met the companions. He also met Kitaria who he fell in love with her. He and the companions, his friends the other heroes of the lance, killed Ariakus,defeated Takhisis, and married Laurana and had their son Gilthas. He died defending Vingaard Keep in the Chaos War. Tanis also went back into a dying wizard's memories and saw his father. He was disturbed by his father though.

Flint Fireforge is a hill dwarf that lived in Solace. He was born in Hillhome in 212 A.C.. He met Tanis in Qualinesti and one time when he left Tanis came with him. Flint is a wonderful woodworker, and carved his home out of the bottom of a Vallenwood tree because he dislikes heights. He acts like he hates Tas, but really, he loves Tas like a son. In Solace he became surrogate father to the Majere Brothers. He died making the journey to Neraka with the Green Gem Man. He then sat by Reorx's forge until the second cataclysm when Tasslehoff came and they restarted Reorx's forge since he had to leave it.

Tasslehoff Burrfoot was born in Kendermore, duh, was a companion and a nephew of Uncle Trapspringer. Due to wanderlust ,he found himself in Solace where he met Flint, who seems to be the focal point of the companions, and by chance Flint "lost" his metalworking and he, Flint, and Tanis, who was there, became friends. Tas was killed in the battle against Chaos while getting a drop of blood from Him to defeat Chaos. He was able to do this with Rabbitslayer, a dagger named by Caramon. He was a friend of Paladine, who was Fizban when he met him. Tas also been in the past, Istar, and in the Abyss. He now is tombed a the Last Heroes tomb.

Caramon was born in Solace in AC 335. Caramon was a friend to everyone. He is a strong warrior and brother to Raistlin Majere. He always hoped that Raistlin would turn back to the good and he finally did to save the world in the Abyss. He also was one of the companions. His half sister was Kitiara He married Tika and bought the Inn of the Last Home in Solace. He and Tika had five children, three sons and two daughters. Caramon went to the past to keep Raistlin from going into the Abyss and defeating Taklhisis. Caramon went to the future because Tas overshot them two years and saw what had happened when Raistlin had defeated Takhisis.

Raistlin was born in Solace shortly after his twin in AC 335. He was a sickly child and had always been interested in magic other playing games. His brother loved him, but he was always a little jealous of his brother, but never realized it. None of the other kids liked Raistlin. He was later enrolled to a magic school. There, he became the youngest mage to ever take the Test. The Test left him scarred for life, hourglass eyes that allowed him to see time, and golden skin. He killed an illusion of his brother because he saw Caramon steal his only gift, magic. Raistlin changed his robes to black during the War of the Lance. Then, two years later, he went back in time and killed the evil wizard Fistandantilus, and then challednged the Dark Queen herself. Raistlin would have won had Caramon not told him of the future. Raistlin in my opinion is the greatest mage ever. He had made a pact with Fistandantilus during his Test so as he might not be killed by the Dark Elf. Raistlin is the Master of Past and Present, and left the world with the gods after the second Cataclysm.

Sturm Brightblade is the son of Solamnic lord from the Brightblade family. The villagers overthrew them in the years after the Cataclysm when everybody was against the knights. His mother, his mother's handmaiden, and him went to Solace. Soon, they ran out of money and Sturm went to work for Flint and Tanis. His mother died, and his mon's handmaiden died shortly after. He was the model knight, though he didn't become a knight until the beginning of the War of the Lance. He died defending the High Clerist Tower in a stance against Kitiara and Skie by himself. He was buried under the Tower and is the best hero since Huma. He secretely had a relationship with Alhana Starbreeze, the Silvanesti princess. Sturm also had a small relationship with Kitiara, resulting in the brith of Steel Brightblade.

Goldmoon was the Princess of the barbarian tribe Que-Shu. She recieved a vision from her mother telling her that the religion of their tribe was wrong, and that the true gods still existed. Riverwind was sent to find proof of this, so that he might not be killed. He came back with the Blue Crystal Staff, but the tribe leaders didn't believe him. Using the Staff, they were teleported to an area near Solace. Goldmoon became the first true Cleric since the Cataclysm. After the second Cataclysm, she founded the mysticism order, and started a school on the island of Schallsea. She and Riverwind married and had three children. Goldmoon died of old age.

Riverwind is the grandson of Wanderer, who's grandmother was a priest of Mishakal and a knight of Solamnia who survived the Cataclysm. He went on a horrible quest for proof of the true gods, and found it. The tribe leaders didn't believe him, so they declared him unworthy to marry Goldmoon, though they loved each other, and sentenced him to stoning. He survived because miraculously the staff teleported him and Godmoon away to an area near Solace. Thjere, they started their quest to reveal the true gods. They fought along side the other Heroes during the War. Riverwind lead a fight against Malystyrx with the kender and his three daughters, but died during the fight. Riverwind has died twice, but both times was brought back to life by Mishakal.

Laurana, youngest child of the Speaker of the Suns, was in love with Tanis as a child. They secretly betrothed in fact. When Tanis came back to Qualinesti, Laurana followed him to Pax Tharaks. She became the Golden General, and lead the Whitestone army against the Dragon Highlords. She was kidnapped, but escaped after the destruction of Neraka. She and Tanis later married and had a son named Gilthas. She contributed to the defeat of the Dark Queen.

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