Yes, that is Genn, not Tai! They look alike, No?

Welcome to Genn's Digital Domain! I think the links below are all very self-explanatory but I wrote up a little blurb for all of them anyway. Under the Story link, you will find the basic plotline thus far as well as Items and Terms used in the show. Under the Characters link you'll find, guess what? Character information. Good guys and bad guys. Under Episodes you'll find little write-ups of the episodes. I'll try to keep up with all the new episodes coming in. Pics and Fan-Fic links I believe you can figure out. Quotes have little quotes from the show. I thought they were funny. Maybe you will too! In the About Genn link, you'll find info on Genn, my DigimonRPG character as well as data on me in real life. Any other RPG character people would like to host feel free to send it to me. Links are self explanatory as well. SO DIG RIGHT IN!!!

PLEASE VOTE FOR ME BELOW!!! I'D REALLY REALLY LIKE TO ACTUALLY WIN! Also, in the AWARDS section you may check out all the nice awards my site has won so far. Feel free to give me one too!

Any comments (they'd better be good) or **shudder** complaints can be e-mailed to me using the EMAIL link below. Thanks for visiting and come back often.

~Genn Eroshenko / Pres C.


00-01-25 This webpage was created today. Nothing else new. Sorry! Thanks to those who noticed it used to say 99-1-25. Y2K!!!

00-02-03 About Genn and Fanfic Section now online, Genn section not yet completely finished. Episodes Section soon!!! Thank you for all those who let me know which Background you liked the best! More Digimon pics coming in for all sections...when I have the time. A REMINDER! Please sign the Guestbook!

00-02-07 WOW! Links section, and Epsiodes section completed! Also, A TON!!! of new Digimon pics added to Characters page. Awards section updated yes, I got some! HURRAY! On a sadder note, it has come to my attention that people have been sending me pics they stole from other sites. This will NOT be tolerated. Ruaki (Digipark) and I will go and clobber you! Anyway, all said stolen pics have been removed from this site.









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