Guest Area
Today is
> Welcome to my Portal

Version 3, now I finally made my own design of layout, especially made for geocities hard to remove ads on left. If anyone asks why geocities I put my host is because other hosting expires unlike here which will be forever be opened as it links up with my email account genobreaker_exile. I will change host if the bandwidth is always full. Feel free to browse on the links. This is my last layout that I will make with purple class colors. My Purple dynasty will now come to an end.

> News

Sept 8, 2008 - Gelo's Portal Renovated
Sept 10, 2008 - More Contents Added
Sept 17, 2008 - Exile Productions Renovation
Sept 20, 2008 - Archives list updated
Sept 22, 2008 - 'I met the walrus' Revealed

> Credits

Website is made by Adobe Photoshop CS2, Notepad and Adobe Dreamweaver CS3.

Coding and Design: Gelo Rebong
Hosting: Geocities

> Banner Exchange

Well anyone who has sites out there might as well link this site.
These are the only sizes that I have right now; you can suggest by bumping me a request in my email or post your concern at the guest area.
Please read my Legal Terms below before you link us. Please notify me if you do link us.


Or might as well spread the word in any forums.

Forum Signature:

> Legal Terms

This site can be freely accessed. If you like to have any graphics, text or any part of it, you can freely copy, redistribute them but make sure you credit me in my works. Do not attempt to redesign or any editing on it. And just be sure you won't violate any laws regarding my webhost.

If you like to have a copy of the scripts utilized in this site, don't hesitate to ask me.

If you are hotlinking in to my uploaded files, images please do so upload it into your own hosts. I have only a limited bandwidth to run this site.

> Disclaimer

This Site is Browser Friendly. If you still can’t trust this site. Access this site at own risk. Author cannot be held responsible for any kind of damage that could have been caused by this site to you or your browser. No pixels were harmed during development. Ü

> Requirements

This site is best viewed in 1024x768 resolution or higher with 32-bit color.
Browser can be MS Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator or Mozilla Firefox with its later versions.

Updates are made without prior notice, so always visit site every now and then

Last Updated September 8, 2008

Site Best Viewed 800x600 or Higher, best viewed in IE 6+ or Mozilla Firefox 1 or higher.
Layout Design created by Angelo Rebong, aka genobreaker.
Gelo's Portal is copywright 2008.
Nothing may be copied from Gelo's Portal without the permission of the webmaster.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws