Team Number
Welcome to the home page of Team Singapore Genome@Home.

Genome@Home is a non-profit distributed computing project from Stanford University which uses internet connected computers to design proteins (and hence new genes) that have not been found in nature.

Some of its purposes include engineering new proteins for medical therapy, designing new pharmaceuticals,  and understanding protein evolution.

Thousands of inviduals from all over the world have participated in this project. Each individual who participates can select a group/team to associate him/herself with.

On March 15, 2001, we created a team called
SINGAPORE to compete with other world teams.  In  within 3 weeks, we reached the top 100 in the world rank! By September 2001, we became the world top 12th producing team. See what the Singapore Straits Times said about us in the Prime News on the 8th of September 2001.

If you would like to join the team, please start first with downloading the
Genome@home protein sequence design client from the Stanford University.

During the client installation, you will be prompted to enter a group number. To identify yourself with the Team Singapore, please enter the group number

For more information on Genome@Home, please visit
Genome@Home website.
Discussion Board


Proteins designed by Team Singapore
Graph of Singapore's cumulative gene production
Members of Team Singapore
World Ranking of Team Singapore
Check individual statistic
What's New?
We are on the national news! Please click here to see the news article in The Straits Times dated September 8, 2001..
visitors since
March 15, 2001
Singapore - Because We Care
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