8-10-02 ~ 8-11-02
Okie dokie I got alot done.
Such as you say? Well I made one banner ^o^ I also made Tasuki's profile, my profile, the weird stuff section, the multimedia section, the disclaimer, links, and this section. Not bad huh? I did this in two days ^o^ sooo happy. Well thats it for now more to come!
Ahhhh sorry Eri-san I forgot to say thanks for finding many graphics and pics for my site ^o^ thankies!!!
8-14-02 ~ 8-15-02
Ok I did alot of things. Whoa alot I dont know where to begin 0_0;; So I'll say this I updated the last sections I mentioned and then some ^_^ Im happy I did sooooooooooo much well enjoy.
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