Introduction to Art
Students will play a game and learn about each other and likes and dislikes.

Robin Addison Gentian Elementary Muscogee [email protected] Georgia Learning Connections

Primary Learning Outcomes
Students will play a game and learn about each other and likes and dislikes just like art.

Additional Learning Outcomes
Students will also learn to appreciate that is okay to like or dislike art or like or dislike what others like and still get along with each other. Learning to "appreciate" art and each other is the most important.

Assessed QCC Standards:

Grade: 1
Fine Arts
Visual Arts
Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Uses imagination and immediate environment, including family, home, and surroundings, as sources for ideas.

Grade: 2
Fine Arts
Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Discusses expressive qualities of artworks and gives personal interpretation of each.

Grade: 3
Fine Arts
Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Examines other individuals' reasons for preferences in artworks.

Grade: 4
Fine Arts
Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Develops and applies criteria for judging personal decisions about artworks.

Grade: 5
Fine Arts
Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Identifies specific media and techniques used to produce selected artworks.

Grade: K
Fine Arts
Topic: Connections
Standard: Applies concepts and ideas from another discipline and its topics as sources of ideas for own artworks.

Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Expresses preference for one of two or three art reproductions.


Materials and Equipment

Standards (Local and/or National)

Total Duration
30-45 minutes

Technology Connection

Students participation, eagerness and attention will express their interest in lesson.
For students with exceptional needs, what changes can be made in instruction and teaching delivery to enhance student participation and learning? Each area below is a direct link to general classroom accommodations.

Non-readers     Physical Impairments     Sensory Impairments     Attention/Behavior     Gifted

Each disability below is a direct link to general classroom accommodations specific for that disability.

    Deaf - Blind
    Deaf/Hard of Hearing
    Emotional and Behavioral Disorder
    Mild Intellectual Disability
    Orthopedic Impairment
    Other Health Impairments:
        Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
        Tourette Syndrome
    Significant Development Delay
    Specific Learning Disability
    Speech - Language Impairment
    Traumatic Brain Injury
    Visual Impairment

For students with significant disabilities, what changes can be made in instruction and teaching delivery to allow students to participate in classroom instruction while working on IEP objectives and off grade level QCC standards. Below are suggested modifications correlated to the procedures of this lesson plan.

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