Mayor's Committee on Disabilities Art Contest

Using the theme, students will make a drawing depicting the main idea of the theme.


Robin Addison

Gentian Elementary


[email protected]

Georgia Learning Connections


Primary Learning Outcomes

Students will learn that the theme is an important part of all projects. Using a theme given can be very helpful in making art. Discussion on "brainstorming" will give students a chance to create ideas from the theme before beginning work.


Additional Learning Outcomes


Assessed QCC Standards:


Grade: 4

Fine Arts

Visual Arts


Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Creates artwork portraying an object, subject, or theme from different points of view (e.g., close-up, below, and above).


Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Emphasizes specific elements of art and principles of design and selects materials and techniques appropriate to creating an artwork based on own idea and self-direction.


Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Produces artworks in a variety of subject matter and in the areas of drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, pottery, fiber arts, and mixed media. (See Introduction: Matrix.)


Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Demonstrates proper care and safe use of materials and tools.


Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Discusses an artist's purpose for using line, shape, and color to capture movement in artworks, such as gesture drawings, action painting, and mobiles.


Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Develops and applies criteria for judging personal decisions about artworks.


Topic: Historical and Cultural Context
Standard: Explains how art reflects the relationship between artists and their culture (e.g., geographic, political, religious, and economic).

Grade: 5

Fine Arts


Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Produces artworks and graphic designs that use selected subject matter, including symbols and ideas, to communicate a message.


Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Plans, organizes, and creates artworks using: form, color expressing emotion, linear perspective, proportion, contrast. (See Introduction: Matrix.)


Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Creates artworks in the areas of drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, pottery, fiber arts, mixed media, and digital images. (See Introduction: Matrix.)


Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing
Standard: Demonstrates proper care and safe use of art materials and tools.


Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Analyzes proportion in artworks as the relationship of one part to another or in the whole.


Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Identifies specific media and techniques used to produce selected artworks.


Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Recognizes how artists use selected subject matter, including symbols and ideas, to communicate a message.


Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Critiques artworks in sequence of: description, analysis of design or a composition, interpretation of meaning, and judgment based on evidence/clues observed in artworks.


Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding
Standard: Develops, judges, and communicates personal decisions about artwork.


Step:  1 Duration: approx. :20 minutes ; remainder of class

Discussion of "disabilities" will include "root word" and meaning. Brainstorming of the ideas in the theme (by taking each word/phrase and matching a visual idea)entices students' imaginations and creativity. Students then will begin to start their drawing.



Materials and Equipment

9 x 12 white drawing paper, oil pastels, color pencils, crayons, markers, pencils, and erasers.


Standards (Local and/or National)


Total Duration

2-3 sessions


Technology Connection


Teacher observation of students' work. Students will be encouraged to judge their own work according to the criteria.




For students with exceptional needs, what changes can be made in instruction and teaching delivery to enhance student participation and learning? Each area below is a direct link to general classroom accommodations.

Non-readers     Physical Impairments     Sensory Impairments     Attention/Behavior     Gifted

Each disability below is a direct link to general classroom accommodations specific for that disability.

    Deaf - Blind
    Deaf/Hard of Hearing
    Emotional and Behavioral Disorder
    Mild Intellectual Disability
    Orthopedic Impairment
    Other Health Impairments:
        Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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