Jerry Gentry
That's me on the right at my neph-ew's base-ball game..

On the left is a sculp-ture I saw in Chattanooga called, "Return of the Prodigal Son."
Oakhurst Baptist Church
The best TV show ever
Read an entry from my journal. Updated June 2004
Here you can see pictures of my family and friends, and you can learn about my book, "Grady Baby: A Year in the Life of Atlanta's Grady Hospital." Have a nice visit.
About my first book:
Grady Baby is a nonfiction narrative account of a year's worth of stories at Grady Memorial Hospital. One can meet all kinds of people at Grady, and some of them were kind enough to share their stories with me.
"Both frightening and enlightening...."
"Readable and exciting...."
Read reviews of "Grady Baby."
"Grady Baby" at
Spring 2005 pictures at Okefenokee Swamp
To see some pictures of my lovely daughter, click HERE. Updated July 2006.
Atlanta Zoo 2005 Well, sort of in control
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