<Title>HTML INFO Page</Title>
Meta tags are here
<meta name=author content=Mark Philpot>
<meta name=DESCRIPTION content=HTML CODE>
<meta name=keywords content=HTML>
<meta http-equiv=REFRESH content=10; URL=http://www.geocities.com/geo_marksway/index.html>
JScript Functions are here
< body background=../../STARS.GIF text=white link=olive vlink=cyan alink=magenta>

<H2 align=center> Important things to know! </H2>


Word Colors are: cyan, magenta, gold, brown, blue, purple, green, black, silver, gray, orange, yellow, white etc... Number and/or letter colors are wide and varied. They can be mixed. Click here to insert a new window of the fontcolors page or click here to insert a new window of the JScript Background Color Table page; to see their represented colors.

Choose a font by using <font face=Arial>. This is Arial. Stop this font with </font> Any font changes made, whether font face or font color, can be stopped with </font>.

<H1> Heading 1 - 24 Point < /H1>

<H2> Heading 2 - 18 Point < /H2>

<H3> Heading 3 - 14 Point < /H3>

<H4> Heading 4 - 12 Point < /H4>

<H5> Heading 5 - 10 Point < /H5>
<H6> Heading 6 - 7 Point < /H6>

Normal body text - 12 Point

<HR size=1 color=blue>

<HR size=2 color=green>

<HR size=5>

<HR size=7>

<HR size=10>

<HR width=25>

<HR width=50>

<HR width=100>

<HR width=250>

<HR width=500>

<HR width=650>

<HR width=40% ALIGN=left>

<HR width=40% ALIGN=right>

<HR width=40% size=5 ALIGN=center>

<HR width=80 ALIGN=left noshade>

< HR color=green width=200 ALIGN=center size=150 noshade>

A line break is <br>.
A paragraph break is <p>.

The following table can only be done with the <PRE> and < /PRE> tags.
	FONT SIZE  Heading   Point size
	   7         -        36 pt    
	   6        "H1"      24 pt    
	   5        "H2"      18 pt    
	   4        "H4"      12 pt bold
	   3       Body text  12 pt plain
	   2         -         9 pt

Alignment: <!---this text is hidden -->

<P Align=Right> Right align text </P>

<P Align=center>This is a centered paragraph alignment.
Anything you type in this area is always centered.</p>

Marquee Tags

Bouncing Text

<marquee behavior=alternate scrollamount=70 scrolldelay=17 height=12>Bouncing Text </marquee>

Scrolling Text

<marquee behavior=scrolling scrollamount=20 scrolldelay=7 height=12>Scrolling Text </marquee>

Slide Text

<marquee behavior=slide>Slide Text </marquee>

Plain Marquee

<marquee>Plain Marquee </marquee>

Formatting Text:

<B> for bold. </B>
> for bold. </STRONG>
<EM> for italics. </EM>
<I> for italics. </I>
<TT> for typewriter text as seen in excel modules. </TT>

Subscript and Superscript do not work in Explorer 2.0:
Superscript: H2O   H<SUP>2</SUP>O
althernatively, use an ampersand with the decimal code number for superscript "2". &#178   H � O Or H&sup2;O

The same applies to subscript; the decimal number is #50.
Subscript: H2O

<u>This is underlined</u>

To show the code symbol on your page, use the <code> and </code> tags. You have to embrace each code word with these tags. View the source of this page to see how it is done.

Description Character HTML Decimal Code
copyright symbol &#169
registered symbol &#174
superscript 2 &#178
centered dot &#183
1/2 or half &#189
cent sign &#162
symbol &#165
middle x &#215
acute e &#233


<img src=M.GIF>
<img src=A.GIF>
<img src=R.GIF>
<img src=K.GIF>


Table Time
<Table bgcolor=pink bordercolor=gold cellpadding=4 cellspacing=3>
<th colspan=4 bgcolor=green>Table Time</th>
<td bgcolor=cyan><img src=1.gif></td>
<td bgcolor=red><img src=2.gif></td>
<td bgcolor=olive><img src=3.gif></td>
<td bgcolor=magenta><img src=4.gif></td>


<textarea NAME="selectarea" COLS="120" ROWS="5">

Text Boxes

<input type=text value=Mark Philpot>


<input type="button" value="Message" onclick="alert('Please Send Me Money!')">
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Send" Onclick="send(this.form); return false">
<input type="button" value="Message in Windows Status Bar" onclick="self.status='Please send me more money!'">

[email protected]
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