JScript Information


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ONE STEP TO INSTALL SIMPLE CALENDAR: 1. Copy the coding into the BODY of your HTML document. This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com

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Javamatic Information - sources: Australian Personal Computer Magazine
The Location Object
The Location object correlates to a URL. It breaks a URL down into the following components:


Each of these components can be extracted from a Location object, or can be set by assignment. It is preferred to use the href property to change the current page in a directory. Use the window.location in preference to the documentation.location as the latter will not be used in later versions.

<script language=JavaScript> document.write(window.location); </script> The window location of this page is:  

The Math Object
The Math object is an abstract JavaScript object, as it does not refer to any HTML object. It is a utility object that gives access to a number of maths-related constants and methods. Methods include trigonometric functions, rounding functions, and other general functions for manipulating numbers.
The MimeType object
The MimeType object represents MIME types supported by the user's browser. MimeType objects are contained within the MimeTypes array. The MimeTypes array is a property of the Navigator object. It can be referenced by using numeric indexes, or a string representing the type property (for example, 'x-world/x-vrml' for VRML).
The Navigator object
The Navigator object is another abstract class, representing the browser itself.
The Number object
The Number object is an object wrapper for JavaScript's numeric primitives. It provides support for NaN (Not a Number) and max/min value properties.
The Option object
Option objects are explicitly created options for Select objects (HTML selection lists). Option objects are created by using the option() constructor, and then assigning to a select list. If you dynamically add options to a select list, refresh the document using the history.go() method.

optionName=new Option([text, value, defaultSelected, selected])

You can also use the HTML tag <option> to create an option list.

<select> <option>one <option>two <option>three </select>

The Password object
Password objects are text fields that display asterisks in place of user-supplied text. The syntax is almost identical to that of Text objects. Using HTML, use the following syntax:


  [value="default text value"]
  [size="input box size"]
  [onBlur="onBlur instructions"]
  [onFocus="onFocus instructions"]

Password objects can only be used on an HTML form.

The Plugin object Plugin objects are closely related to MimeType objects. A plug-in is an additional program module that allows browsers to handle special MIME types (such as audio or video). Access a list of available plug-ins using the plugins array of the Navigator object.
The Radio object
Radio objects are the JavaScript representation of HTML radio buttons.Radio buttons are a list of exclusive options for the user ( if you select the first option, all other options will be automatically unselected).The HTML syntax is:


  [onBlur=onBlur instructions"]
  [onClick="onClick instructions"]
  [onFocus="onFocus instructions"]
To create a group of radio buttons, give each button the same name. The individual elements of a radio button grouping can then be referenced as an array with the same name as the radio button's name. For example, if you have three radio buttons named 'fred', you could access the first one using the following syntax:


The radio button is only available when placed in the form object.

<input type=radio name=fred> <input type=radio name=fred> <input type=radio name=fred>

The Reset object
The Reset object corresponds to HTML reset buttons. A reset button is used to reset (or clear) the form elements' values. You cannot use the onClick event handler to prevent the form from being reset. Use the Form object's onReset event handler:

  [onBlur=onBlur instructions"]
  [onClick="onClick instructions"]
  [onFocus="onFocus instructions"]

The Select object
Select objects are JavaScript representations of HTML selection lists. A selection list allows a user to choose one or several options. The Form object must be used.

<option value=1>one <option value=2>two <option value=3>three </select>
The String object

TheText object
Text objects in HTML are text input areas, where the user can enter text information. To define a text object in HTML, use the following syntax:

<form> <input
type=text name=textName size=(number representing the size of the box) [onBlur=onBlur instructions] [onChange=onChange instructions] [onFocus=onFocus instructions] > </form>

Text objects are used with in the form objects.

The Textarea object
Text areas are basically the same as text fields except the textarea is multi-line text boxes. By setting the value attribute with a string, you can change the Textarea contents. To create a new line, use the '\n' escape character.