Tenerife 2003
I booked this holiday, i had never been to Tenerife, then  came home and read all the really bad comment about it on the internet, at that time i didn't know whether to cancel it, or just go and see it for ourselves ........... Luckily i  just went.

i  stayed at the Laguna Park 2 apartments, Just over the road from the Aquapark, i got there very late at night, due to a very short delay at Birmingham airport, (Only around 1/2 an hour), we landed in Tenerfife airport, and was taken to the apartment by out transfer coach, very good service so far .......

I still didn't know if the comments on the internet about Laguna Park 2 were true or not ! we got out keys and made our way to the apartment, I  was impressed from the minute i stepped into the apartment, clean &  well equiped, don't listen to any bad comments on the internet about the Laguna Park 2 apartments.

After leaving my cases in the Apartment i  went to see what the resort of Playa de Las Americas  was like, i found a bar and i was still drinking at gone 3 in the morning ! ......... Drinks are very cheap in Tenerife.

There are a few comments on the Laguna Park 2 apartments, one of the main complaints is that is a bit out of the way on a hill, yes it is on the top of a hill, and the roads are a bit steep, but I'm not to fittest 40 year old i know, and i made it up and down with no problems, but if you want to see more of the place, just rent a car, we got a good deal on a little Fiat Punto, 90 Euro's for 4 days, well worth it.

An hours drive on TF-1 takes you to Puerto De la Cruz, go and see the main attraction there
Loro Parque, well worth the 30 Euro's to get in, the sealion show and the Dolphin show is worth the admision price alone.

With the Aquapark just over the road, you would be disapointed if you don't go, I'm not a brilliant swimmer, and until i went, i had never been on a waterslide in my life, so that's something else i have done, don't be afraid .......... like i was !! .......... Just do it.

Marine Fish at Loro Parque
Looking out to sea, from Loro Parque
The Sealion Show at Loro Parque
The Big Sharks at Loro Parque
More Photo's of the Holiday
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