
Environmental Events Portfolio

These are challenging times of significant global change relative to the environment, societies, and cultures.  Hopefully, this exercise will bring these important subjects to your attention.  Using the format provided below, record unusual weather events (heavy rains, drought, winds, freeze), earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunami events, recorded icebergs, ozone updates, air pollution occurrences, or other significant events involving the physical elements of the environment.  Place the number of the item in its correct location on the map provided.  (You could also devise a colour coding system for the type of event, for example, blue for weather, red for volcanoes, etc.).

Please access available media, such as newspapers and magazines.  You may also use television news reports, and shows like NOVA, National Geographic, and The Nature of Things .  The Internet is also a valuable source of informaion (ensure that it is a RELIABLE source; like a newspaper or environmental group).  At the completion of this log, you will see the variety of physical events that are actually occurring on a global scale, and their impact on the human and natural environment.

globebutton.gifSample Log (a guideline.....)

1. Title (Event - i.e. "Rising Levels of Ozone Depletion over Antarctica")
Date: __________________________________________
Source: __________________________________________

Event: (Synopsis - a brief description of the event; 10-12 sentences. Ensure you discuss the 5 Ws and the H. Pictures and/or diagrams would be helpful!). __________________________________________________________________________________

Tie-In to Physical Geography: (Expand causes of event, based on course material) ____________________

Human/Natural Environment Impact: ______________________________________________________

globebutton.gif You must complete a minimum of 15 environmental Event logs; at least ONE per unit . You should have a variety of sources, all WELL labelled. Failure to identify a source will result in a loss of mark for that entry (i.e. a zero). Check your planner to view the school's plagiarism policy.

How you choose to exhibit your log is up to you. Be as creative as you like. At a minimum, your log should be contained in a separate journal or duotang.  This portfolio of environmental events will be considered a CULMINATING ACTIVITY, and will be worth 3% of your final mark.

globebutton.gif Evaluation Scheme: Rubric (See Below)

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