Common Raven
A Raven standing guard.  The mate is feeding at the suet feeder  - Fall 2003.  One always stands guard to give a warning in case of danger.
These birds are extremely hard to photograph.  Unlike Crows, they are very wary of humans and fly at the slightest sound.  They can eat an entire suet cake in a matter of minutes.  

We have taken the suet down for the Spring.  Since they are predatory to the nestlings of many birds we don't want to encourage them to be in the yard during nesting season.
Fall 2005 and Winter 2006 has shown a huge increase in the number of Ravens in the neighborhood.  In the Fall we saw huge numbers of Ravens feeding in open areas - sometimes as many as 30 or more.  I had always throught Ravens were a more solitary bird so I'm not sure why they are gathering in such large groups.  The bird in this picture seems to be a young one from last summer.
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