Newfoundland Rail Scenes  © R.P.N.                 Issue No. 4   Carbonear Subdivision

Former railway station at Clarke's Beach, mileage 17.3 on the former Carbonear Subdivision. The subdivision extended from Brigus Junction to Carbonear, a distance of 38.5 miles.  Scheduled passenger service on the Carbonear Subdivision ended on Sept. 20, 1984, when the "Shoreliner" mixed train made its final round-trip run from St. John's to Carbonear.

Freight service on the Carbonear Subdivision continued sporadically until about 1987. The line was abandoned and the rails removed in 1988.

(Photograph shows the former railway bridge across North River, near Clarke's Beach.)

Photographs and  text in this issue of Newfoundland Rail Scenes are copyright © Randy P. Noseworthy, 2000-2004.
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