Alternative Energies



Eolic Airgenerator

Because of the several questions received, here you can find everything you wanted to know about the eolic generators.
In the market there are cheap eolic generators which have the capacity to cover the energy needs of about 60 houses, without the need of doing a great electric wiring.
These systems work well in a speed range of the wind from 3.5 m/s to 6 m/s. With mild winds or with great unexpected demands of electric energy, the system can be complemented with solar pannels and even with gas or diesel generators. Whereas, with the presence of hurricaned winds, the sail can have a safe braking electromagnetic system.
The system is complete with a long cycle battery (to store energy for several days) and an inverter (that changes and amplifies Direct Current into Altern Current)
The continual voltage range from 12 V (cabin) to 100 V (village) The increasing of the power with the windspeed is in its major part linear.

Meteorology and Geophysics
Air Pollution and Neural Networks
Radiometry and Oklo
Applied Geophysics
Geology and Geophysics


Borehole Logging

How much petrol does it remain?
* Reserves: The statistics are taken from "Oil and Gas Journal" and "World Oil" . The data have been overestimated so through these mechanism the producer country may export more crude. Corrected calculation: With a certainty of 50% there are 850 Gbo
* To discover: Certainly, there is a finite amount of crude. The 90% has already been found and 150 Gbo are left to be discovered
* Extraction rhythm: It is not constant. M. King Hurbbert proved that the maximum will be reached when the 50% of the resource gets exploited. By extrapolation, this maximum will be reached in 2010.

petrol pumping

Quantum Mechanics and Applied Geophysics | Water Maps
Geology - The solid Earth - an introduction


Facing natural disasters (hurricans, earthquakes, etc.) mankind has always had two alternatives: try in same way to control the phenomenon or to recognize that nature is more powerfull and only to predice (it implies a passive resignation attitude when allowing the phenomenon occurs)
The cortex is formed by tectonic plates that float in the "magma" (hot and semiliquid rocks). The contact zone between two plates is called "fault". If the plates slip slightly one over the other (or in other words, if the friction were light) we would have an amount of shakes... slight and harmless. Unluckily in the faults there is a great friction that keeps them in its place, while the vortices of magma ("convection currents") produce a continual pushig which is shown as increasing pressure.
So, when the accumulated forces exceed the friction, there is a violent shake because of a strong movement of the plates. That is what can be called an earthquake.
On other side, to settle a city is preferable that the climate and the natural means of transport be favorurable. This leads us to coasts, valleys and riversides, it means... on the faults. Effect? A 40% of the cities in the world are in seismic zones. Just one quake can cause thousands of deaths...



GPS receivers

Satellites transmit signals generated by atomic oscilators (Cs or Rb) sent to the GPS receivers. Thanks to this the sphere radius that has the satellite as its centre and the receiver on the surface can be determined. As data, the travelling time and the light speed must be gotten. In order to determine the 3D position of the receiver three spheres are needed (three equations and three unknown quantities) an a fourth sphere to determine the error of the receiver stopwatch. It's important to say that the system was designed in a way that from everywhere and at anytime could be always observed a minimum of four satellites.

GPS (blue) and GLONASS (red)

Band L modulate three codes:
* D: Data Code. It corresponds to a list with the navigation data 50 bits per second
* SPS: Standard Positioning Service (Pseudo-random noise) 1.0230 MHz (300 m resolution)
* PPS: Precise Positionig Service


Geophysics and the Survey Methods

Geophysics is the science that studies the physical phenomena produced in our planet. Among these stand out the electromagnetism, the mechanical waves propagation in the earth's crust and the gravity. This science may be defined as the application of physics and geology to the study of the materials that compose the earth's crust and the force field that arises of it and exerts its influence to the outside.
Inside of applied Geophysics are relevant the Geophysical prospectings and explorations through which this science investigates and defines particular geological formation and /or mineralized rocks with practical interest, suitable to the industrial exploitation.
The field to study in the prospection corresponds to the effects produced by the rocks and metallic minerals in anomalous areas (detoured of the background), among these stand out: the gravitatory attraction force, the radioactive desintegration, the spontaneous electric current, the electrical resistency of the ground, the speed of the seismic waves, etc.

Tidal synchronicity of the 26 December 2004 Sumatran earthquake and its aftershocks (R. G. M. Crockett , G. K. Gillmore et al; Oct 06)
The frequency of earthquake incidence along the Andaman/Sunda/Java Trench plate-boundary region has been investigated for the ten-lunar-month period 28 October 2004-19 August 2005, encompassing the 26 December 2004 earthquake. During this period variations in earthquake activity correlate with the tidal-force
cycles: maxima in earthquake activity occur around the times of new and full moons, typically lagging by 0-3 days. This relationship is consistent with earthquake inducement via ocean tidal loading. Also, during this period the earthquake incidence associated with new and full moons at the western end of the region was (a) 38% and (b) 86% higher than the period averages for the full and declustered major-earthquake catalogs respectively.
What is Geophysics?
Geophysics is the science that studies the physical phenomena produced in our planet. Among these stand out the electromagnetism, the mechanical waves propagation in the earth's crust and the gravity. This science may be defined as the application of physics and geology to the study of the materials that compose the earth's crust and the force field that arises of it and exerts its influence to the outside.
Inside of applied Geophysics are relevant the Geophysical prospectings and explorations through which this science investigates and defines particular geological formation and /or mineralized rocks with practical interest, suitable to the industrial exploitation.
The field to study in the prospection corresponds to the effects produced by the rocks and metallic minerals in anomalous areas (detoured of the background), among these stand out: the gravitatory attraction force, the radioactive desintegration, the spontaneous electric current, the electrical resistency of the ground, the speed of the seismic waves, etc.


24-Hour Aftershock Forecast Map (California)
California Earthquake Incidence Map

Aftershock Forecast

Seismic Monitor

Seismic Monitor

Seisms List

The Earthquakes Generating Machine
In the film "The Core" are shown the catatrophic consequences associated to the diminishing of the angular speed in the core of our planet. The rotation of the core permits the existence of the magnetosphere, which protects us of the radations heavier than the most intense UV rays. In the film is also shown the "why" in the diminishig of the speed in the rotation of the core: un ultrasecret army from the United States had developed an EGM that provoked them through Electromagnetic pulses. Thus they could quietly attack to any "enemy" country (Afghanistan, North Korea, etc.). However, the army overreacted and the shock waves went against of nucleus, provoking its slowness... | MORE


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