My Dogs!

These are my Dog's! Just so you know, there was never any intention to breed Dorothy and Freckles, it was my mistake in thinking Freckles was too young to father puppies. He was only 15 months old when they were born. Oh well, I enjoyed them all very much! No regrets. There's a link bar at the bottom of this page for more pictures and other links as well, hope you enjoy them.

Many Thanks to the staff at Berkley Pet Hospital in North Hollywood,They take great care of my Dogs!

Dorothy at 15!

This is Dorothy, a beautiful Norwegian Elkhound. She was born on October 8th 1985 and came to live with me on December 24, 1985. A gift to myself! Below is a picture of Dorothy on her 14th Birthday, as well as a picture of her the day I brought her home.

Having Dorothy for over 15 years seemed like a long time until I had to put her to sleep on May 10, 2001. Now it doesn't seem quite long enough. But I still have her "puppies", and 15 years of very fond memories. She will be missed.

Click on the picture for larger view

This is Freckles, An American Cocker Spaniel, (a scruffy one). He was born on July 1, 1991. He arrived at my house on September 23, 1991. Shown here doing what he loved to do, playing with his tennis ball.

Freckles' life was quite an adventure, he had epilepsy, and 2 major surgeries, but through it all I think he was a pretty happy dog. He was my shadow, he followed me around the house, waited outside the bathroom while I showered, he sat and watched me work in the garage no matter how much noise I made. He followed me when I mowed the lawn knowing I would come across one of his tennis balls and toss it his way, always ready to play. He use to greet me at the door when I came home with some sort of toy. Freckles developed some internal problems during the early part of 2002, and we dealt with them pretty well. But the things we were doing for him no longer were working. And so on August 2, 2003 he was put to sleep. I love all my dogs but Freckles was very special to me, he was the life of the party. I hope everyone who has a dog has one like him.

He'll be missed.

This is Lavern, she's a Norwegian Elkhound & Cocker Spaniel mix. Doesn't look like her mom or dad!

Sadly, Lavern passed away on February 10, 2006. She was a sweet & gentle dog, a little shy and a bit of a canine couch potato. She will be missed.

This is Little Shirley. She's also a Norwegian Elkhound & Cocker Spaniel Mix. Her and Lavern were born on October 9th 1992. On August 27th 2007 Shirley passed away quietly, she was a sweet little dog like her sister and she too will be missed.

Click on the picture for a larger view.

Best Buds!

Here's another picture of Freckles doing what he to loved to do, catching tennis balls!

Honorable Mention: This cat showed up around 2002. He was skinny, dirty and a little ornery and mean as well. I�m sure a little mistreated too. Eventually he seem to warm up to me, but he wanted no part of being a house cat. He came, he ate, he left�daily. Long story short, he became very ill recently and could not longer fend for himself and was put to sleep. I never did come up with a name for him, I�ll just remember him as Kitty�

Another Stray Cat: This kitty showed up late 2005. Seems to enjoy hanging around the bird feeder and driving the dogs crazy. No name yet, waiting to see if he or she sticks around.

This Siamese or as my buddy Andy likes to call it the "chinese" cat was living in my garage around spring 2007, he had a collar wrapped around his neck and under his arm pit. I finally caught him and got him to the vet for treatment. He seems to be doing OK, he's a little on the aggressive side but getting better. He goes by the name of Grasshopper!

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