Earthquake Photos

On January 17, 1994 at 4:31am a 6.7 earthquake struck the Los Angeles area. Although the epicenter was in the community of Reseda, It will be forever remembered as the Northridge Quake. It killed 57 people, and seriously injured more than 1,500. One of the most costly natural disaster in U.S. history.

It's only 10 miles from my home in North Hollywood to the Reseda, Northridge area. Yet the amount of damage from my neighborhood to there was unreal. The following day on my street people were mowing their lawns and washing their cars, just another day. That morning I drove to my sister and parents home in Reseda, I took my camera and got some pictures. A few days later I hopped on my mountain bike and rode around the Valley and got some more photos. Below are some of the pictures, click on the thumbnail to get a larger view.

This is one of first pictures I took that morning. The small truck had stalled on the corner, when the driver tried to restart it, it lit the natural gas leak under it. He wasn't hurt. I remember rolling down the window in the car to take this picture, the heat was tremendous.

This building on the coner of Sherman Way and Lindley lost it's whole side.

Apartment building carports on top of cars were a common sight, guess we were lucky this happened at 4:31am and on a holiday.

This entire row of apartments on Victory Blvd. had dropped down on it's carports.

This is a picture of the same row of apartments as above. Not much left of the cars on the right.

This Lens Crafters near the Northridge Fashion Center was destroyed.

Wherehouse Records and Tapes store right next to the Lens Crafters.

A small furniture store on Reseda Blvd. was compelely leveled.

This is the front of the Bullocks Department store in the Fashion Center. You can see the "U" from the sign in about the middle of the picture.

Block walls came down all over the Valley, most were replaced with redwood or cedar fences.

The National Guard was called up a few days later to protect the damaged building from looters.

Apartment building tilting to one side.

This is the back of a furniture store in Northridge.

I'll be adding more photos from time to time.
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