Dimitra K. Georgiou
My name is Dimitra. I was born in Athens, Creece. I graduated from The  National Technical University of Athens,  in 2000. My  Diploma Degree is  in Chemical Engineering  with spacialization in Foods and Biotechnology. My diploma thesis was :'' Biotechnological
Processing of Mastic Gum and its Substitutes" Now I live in Houston, Texas. where I earned my Master Degree in Chemical Engineering (Biopysical Chemistry) at  The University of Houston, Summer 2003. My Master thesis was: " Why Do Protein Crystals Grow Slowly, AFM Stadies on Insulin Crystallization" Now  I am working in a   PhD program  in the area of protein phase transitions- (insulin amyloid fibrils).
Cooking: I like cooking and experimentation in kitchen, I love the mediterranean cuisine, but i like to take ideas from other cultures
Traveling: I love traveling and exploring the world. I have been in most of the greek islands I have travel around the greek main land, I have visited Spain and many states in USA. But I think nothing is better than a weekend in an island of the Aegean or Ionium sea!
Glass Painting: This is a new hobby! and I found it very relaxing! At least it is fun to play with colors!
Music: I like music especially greek, I also try to learn how to play the quitar, but it is hard for me now! I hope I will manage it with the time...
Collection: I collect many different thinks, like coins and stamps from different countries and ages, old family fotos and items and postcarts from places I visited.
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