The State of Ohio's first content Standard is History, and is listed this way at the ODE site:
"Students use materials drawn from the diversity of human experience to analyze and interpret significant events, patterns and themes in the history of Ohio, The United States and the world."
Click on the graphic to the left to see an enlargement of it and learn how to read the alignment for the State Standards and Benchmarks.
This mod is the template for all the mods 3 through 9. You will need to return here for the directions on how to proceed with the assignments for these next seven mods. It may seem like a lot this first time, but then it becomes very easy.
You will click on one of thes links titled HISTORY K-8 or HISTORY 9-12 (in future mods this link title will change with the name of the standard addressed in that mod.)   When you click on HISTORY K-8, or HISTORY 9-12 you will see a chart, similar to the one you looked at in the blue box above, with all the benchmarks for that standard at the selected grade bands.
       I will have typed in 2 to 4 website links for each benchmark at each grade level.
A.  You need to:
     1.  choose a grade band (even if you do not currently teach a specific grade)(one link does, all K-8, grade bands are k-2, 3-5, and 6-8; the other link is 9-12, grade bands 9-10 and 11-12.)
     2.  click on and briefly examine
each linked lesson at your chosen grade band (also, let me know if  any links have "died," if this happens, just move on.)
3. You are going to COPY & PASTE this document into a Word document on your computer, if you don't know how to COPY& PASTE,  click here on the words: COPY & PASTE
for directions.(Briefly, you 'select all', hit copy and then minimize  your screen (by clicking on the little minus sign in the upper right); open a blank (new) page in Word, and hit paste.(If you don't understand these directions, you need to click on
COPY & PASTE link for more detailed instructions.)
     4. Then SAVE your Word page; click FILE at the top of your page, in the drop down box click SAVE AS (not SAVE), and name your document:    history
  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOOK AND REMEMBER WHERE YOU SAVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(the desktop is always a good place.)
      5.  Click SAVE.
B. Now you need to research and add one lesson of your own to each benchmark at your chosen grade.
    1.  find your lessons anywhere on the Internet, if you need ideas for places to look, try:
          b.      This is an amazing resource; just click on IMS (Instructional Management System) and search your grade band for lessons.
          c.  go to:    type in the subject you are searching for in the search box, like this:           Trojan War + lesson plans
Do not use quotations, sometimes eliminate the plus sign; this is a good way to find plans, but you really cannot ask google to focus on a certain grade level.
    2.  How many lessons do you need to find?  You need 1 for each benchmark at the grade level you chose, it will vary from Standard to Standard.  For example, for History, K-2, there are 4 benchmarks, therefore you must add one link to a lesson for each - so you need to find 4 lessons (just as I did;) for History, grades 3-5 there are 3 benchmarks, so those doing that grade level need to find 3 lessons, etc.
     3.  After you have found your lessons somewhere on the Internet, open up your Word document titled:  history and type the Internet addresses for your lessons below mine under each benchmark.
Please type them in Bold (click on the B at the top of your Word page), font size 10, Times New Roman.
You'll notice mine are in italics (the little
I at the top)-you may use italics or not, also the color font is up to you (it will change with links, so I just used black.) Click HERE to learn how to change the font color if you would like to.
              a. follow my pattern by typing brief title to the lesson so you can remember it
              b. then below that type the complete web address, called a URL (Universal Resource Locator)
ie.    Treasure Hunt on Mythology
(you will notice the cells or columns of your chart widening as you type, LET THEM, do not hit ENTER until you have finished typing your website address or it will not link properly.  After you type the whole address, then go back and fix the column width (by clicking on the vertical dividers until you see your cursor become 2 little vertical lines, and holding down your left key on your mouse and dragging the lines inward.)
     4.   Then click the word FILE at the top of your page and in the little drop down box, click SAVE , (not SAVE AS.)  again- remember WHERE you saved it, and it is still called history
     5.    Print out your Word file for your paper booklet (this is not to be turned in to me, it is for you.)
6.    And finally, to complete your assignment:
            a.  Type your impressions (briefly) for each link provided for you at your grade band in the body of an e-mail (not as an attachment0
            b.  Attach a copy of your page called:  history       to the e-mail (If you do not know how to do an
ATTACHMENT, click on the word ATTACHMENT.
            c.   In the Subject line of your e-mail, type:  Mod 3 - Soc. - your name
Don't forget to attach your History document.
            d.   E-mail to your instructor at:   [email protected]

(optional) "In every wounded child there is a beautiful chord waiting to be played." If you need a quick reminder of why we teach, click here.
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