(disgruntled) eminem fans respond

On October 10 I received an email from Erica LaSalle ([email protected]) with the subject line, "Holier than thou, aren't we now?" Apparently she is not content with keeping Eminem's filth to herself, so she insists that I expose myself to it!

"Hey- I really don't think it's fair of you to be saying all these things.  You say Eminem's music is offensive- offensive to whom may I ask? To you?  Have you listened to his CD? Go out and buy The Eminem Show and listen from track to track.  Don't skip any.  It's not like I'm not telling you to listen to the songs with the least amount of profanity- just listen to the whole thing.  I'm serious.  I think if you listen to it you'll gain a better understanding of where he's coming from.  It's a very personal album.  Listen- to the music, the words, the message.  I know you're going to say I don't want to know where this hellbound misfit is coming from, but really you need to try.  You absolutely cannot be this judgemental and outright rude to someone you don't even know.  Of course, no, I don't know Eminem personally, but I know that listening to his CD is the next best thing.  I'm not trying to defend his character, or say that he's a role model, but you HAVE to recognize that he is a human being and deserves the same respect you would give anyone else.  Respect someone who raps about raping his mother you say?  Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.  It isn't your place to judge.  If we're going to reference the Bible- Jesus gave prostitutes (who were down on by society) respect and even ate with them.  He doesn't want you to go off and do the things Eminem says, but I know He does want you to treat him with respect, even if he might not show the same respect to you.  Also, you just can't go around labeling people "Good" and "Bad."  I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way.  We are ALL sinners and you need to recognize that.  Furthermore, how dare you group all of his listeners as Hellbound?? Oh no, my bad- 99%. Do you have any idea how incredibly offensive that is?  Again, who do you think you are to judge??  You say you hate Eminem because Eminem hates God?  You think you know Eminem's personal relationship with God?  Shouldn't you be a little more concerned with YOUR relationship with God? And you think the word "hate" is part of the Bible? You think Jesus wants you to hate ANYONE? Another thing- Why Eminem? Of all the rappers out there? Do you have any idea how many other rappers there are out there who rap about the exact same things as Eminem? I take it you're not very into the hip-hop scence, but I'm convinced this a race issue.  You aren't ragging on any other rapper- just him-the white one.  He should know better right?  Please correct me if I'm mistaken, but it sounds to me like everyone in the media is being a little racist by only criticizing his music.  Final thought- You think Eminem is the worst problem we've got in the world right now?  The biggest threat to society as we know it?? You think Eminem's responsible for corrupting or nation's youth?  Ok- you might.  So what are you doing about it?  *****ing about it on the internet.  Yeah, that's constructive.  You think that's the best use of your time? Think about that last point real hard."


Wow. Now we have to respect rapists? How sick that is. See what the public schools are generating?

A September 6 letter from "Marshall Mathers" ([email protected]) purveyed sentiments vastly different than most viewers who leave feedback:

"Hey, I read your Mr. T vs. Eminem thing...and i hve soem comments on it. I am a big Eminem fan, and let me start by saying that was the Funniest thing i have ever seen!!!! You can make fun of Eminem all want  i think it's hilarious. Good job. paul"


Thank you for the compliment, Paul. However, it is most unfortunate that you are a fan of Marshall Mathers. At least 99% of Eminem fans are on the way to hell. I hope you will reconsider your life and remember that on Judgment Day, God is not going to let you off just because you like this site.

On July 9 I received some correspondence from Suellen Carey ([email protected]). I thought Suellen's message was kinda funny, even though it was clearly done in hopes of getting it posted here. Unlike Karina's email further down the page, this message from Suellen was obviously intended to get a good laugh and not be taken seriously. Unfortunately, she felt the need to include some Eminem-style words which I had to edit. Here it is:

Subject: Sucka, what's you dang problem?!?

"Foo', I ain't NEVA seen a website as ******* as yours! In the good names of Jesus and Mr. T you have condemned your brother, and that ain't right! Just cause someone says they gonna kill someone or that they hate they guts, it don't mean it true or right. In 'dis po sucka's case, he had a pretty rough life an' now he ventin'. Just cause he don't personally ascribe to yo hoighty-toighty 'holier-than-yo-foo-butt' way of life don't mean he goin' to hell, foo'. It's better that he get rid of deez angry thoughts than to hole dem up inside for fifteen years and then drown his kids in the friggin' bathtub. Shoo', man, lemme TELL you where da Good Book says Thou shalt not be hatin' down on yo brother if ya know what's good fo ya.

Number One: JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED, FOO'!                                                              



So wha don't you calm yo self down, go get an ice cold glass of milk, go down to ta youth centre, play some frisbee and read yo Bible, foo', 'cause anger and hate is the path to the fiery pit. And if you don't, I predict that some po sucka gon be throw you ****uva far!

Yo's Truly, wit' Love and Respect,                                              

The Disillusioned Ducky."


I wish this email did not need any replying to, but since many people take seriously some of the things Suellen said, I think it necessary to respond.

Thanks for the email, Suellen.

This is an email I received from "kARIna RoCha" ([email protected]) on July 3:

Subject: i went to the website of mr. t's and...

"E think it was very stupid. i mean how can u have so much free time on your hands to actually do something like that. it was really dumb. Eminem is a very talented rapper and for you to be disrespecting him when he did nothing to you is low and very childish. I hope you get a life and die."


To which I replied:

"Dear Karina Rocha,
I found your email very entertaining.  I think my viewers may enjoy it as well, so I am going to put it up on the site.
I have taken into account your comment about how I spend my free time, and I think that the time I spent on the site was far better used than all the time you have spent listening to Eminem and other maggot-infested freaks who call themselves musicians.  How else do you spend your free time?
I am also curious about what the point would be in me 'getting a life' and then subsequently dying.  That doesn't make much sense.
Remember, there is no music in hell.


It looks like I know how to push the right buttons. She replied:

"GOOD. Put me on your website and while you are at it why don't you write EMINEM and tell him what you think of him. I'm sure he will enjoy putting you in a song and i will enjoy hearing it. Why are they maggot infested freaks rappers? What kind of music do u listen to? IF you had an open mind you would listen to everything as i do. You think kids listen to EMINEM and get ideas from him when the ideas are inevitable where ever you grow up is how you are going to think for the rest of your life. One person can't change the way you were brought up.  THERE IS NO MUSIC IN HELL. What is that supposed to mean? How do u know what is in Hell? Have you been there? Exactly so you couldn't open your mouth on that. So shut up. and the pictures you had of EMINEM were pathetic at least make it look realistic if you going to try to discriminate on him. Well you need to get a life. I can't believe you have enough time in your schedule to actually sit down and cut paste and make up some phony dialogue to hate on someone you hate? Eminem talks about people as him therapy, you can't say you used that for theorpy. Also if you think what he says is hurting kids or whatever your side of the argument is, how can you, killing him be any more better then anything he ever write. well i am waiting for your response just to state my side on a more in detail way. Thank you for your time. DOn't forget to put this one on your website too!!!"


Not wanting to leave the poor soul in the dark, I replied:

"Dear Karina,
The fact that you listen to all types of music and are 'open minded' proves that you do not do a lot of thinking.  No wonder, since it's pretty hard to think clearly while listening to some foul-mouthed loser on your boom box or car stereo.  You claim to listen to everything, but you lie.  Do you listen to southern gospel?  Do you listen to any Christian music?
I say that there is no music in hell because, frankly, there is no music in hell.  I'm just going by what God says.  There are no drugs in hell either.  You, Karina, are on your way to hell, and since you're such an avid music fan, it doesn't sound like you would enjoy it much there!  Yet that's the very path you are on.
Believe it or not, making the site was very theraputic for me.  It helped me express my anger and hatred for Eminem, and if you believe in free speech, and I'm sure you claim to, you should not have a problem with me doing that.


Her fun-filled reply went like this:

"Ok. i am on my way to hell right? And you act as if you aren't. But it's ok for you to enforce killing someone. But you're not going to hell. Ya. I thought one of the commandments was thou shall not kill? IF you would read the Bible more you would know exactly what God does mean about that and that your cruel thoughts will have you go to Hell. And as a matter of fact i do listen to Christian music and gospel. I also happen to enjoy listening to preachers every now and then while in my car. I am Christian. Just because I listen to something doesn't make me unholy in any way. And sorry but i don't and will never do any type of drug unless handed to me by my doctor. And tell me where in my Bible does it say 'there is no music in Heaven.' Thank you. Why do you have so much anger and hatred for EMINEM? You being a Christian you claim to be should recognize you should love everyone and not hate. Give me some reasons you hate him. Because he speaks his mind about how he feels. You know how you used the website as your therapy well guess what that is how EMINEM does it. He has a little more uhhh...talent then you do and he gets money doing it too. You should really not hate someone you have never even spoken to. You don't even know what he believes in and why he says what he says. Have you even done your research and know how he is or why he wrote any song he ever has. Have you ever heard anyting good he wrote, i'll bet you haven't. It is not hard at all to think clearly about anything while listening to EMINEM either. ME, along with over 10 million other people happen to calm down while listening to him, amazing isn't it? How does open minded prove i do not think? IT proves you don't think to spend your day making up stuff about someone you don't know in any way. Let him be, let him go to Hell if that's what you want to think, why should you get involved with his freedom of speech? And i am not on my way to hell. Me listening to something doesn't mean i am on my way to hell. How old are u by the way? Are u a girl? You know my name, let me know your i will feel better debating with someone knowing who they are instead of knowing you as Misisdumb, not that your smart."


Realizing that Karina was operating on some very bad information, I corrected her as follows:

"Dear Karina,
The Bible doesn't say 'Thou shalt not kill.'  It says, 'Thou shalt not murder.'  Do you know the difference?  I have read the Bible and know it pretty well, though I am always learning more.  Could you explain to me what 'cruel thoughts' I have?
If you are a Christian, why do you defend someone who raps about murdering his own mother?  Why do you defend someone who uses filthy gutter language?
I hate Eminem BECAUSE I am a Christian.  The Bible says to hate evil and cling to what is good.  Show me where the Bible says to love everybody and not hate.  If you think you can do that, then I have a bridge to sell you.
Eminem says what he says because he is evil, just like most secular music artists.  Karina, if you are not on your way to hell, I would like you to explain why you think you're headed to heaven.


In spite of her attempts to "act like a Christian," Karina's true colors show through in this reply:

Subject: DIE


I know you don't care, Karina. And that's your problem.


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