The Gerbil Information Website
a Gerbil
    When purchasing a gerbil there are a number of different things which should be considered.

     Make sure that the pet store employee knows what he/she's doing.  This means determining the sex.  If the employee says, for example, "This is a male", then that store is probably a good choice.  If the employee says, "I
think this is a female", then forget it.  You may end up with numerous gerbil pups if one of the mates turns out to be of a different sex.  Or, conversely, if you're trying to breed, you may have no luck in having young.

     Make sure that no gerbils in the cage are scratching.  If this is detected, they most likely have fleas, a fungus on the skin, or, which is unlikely, they could have a fatal disease (e.g. mange).  If you detect a scratching gerbil at home, you should take the gerbil to a vet.  It may be only fleas or a fungus, which can be treated easily.

     Does the gerbil have any cuts of injuries noticeable on his/her body?  If so, do not purchase because it could be hard to treat depending on the size.

     Do you have the proper housing for the gerbil(s)?  It is recommended that you buy a cage which has been designed for gerbils or hampsters.  If you make one yourself or use another (e.g. a fish tank), your gerbil(s) may end up escaping.

     Will you be a responsible owner?  Will you grow tired of the animal and give it away?  Will you be rough with it (e.g. always dropping it, throwing it in the air, etc...)?  This will result in your gerbil(s) turning against you and being very timid,  sometimes even biting you which does really hurt!  If you do not feel that you will be able to look after a gerbil, then it is best not to get one.

     When purchasing a gerbil I would recommend that you buy two mates.  They will keep each other company, groom each other, and keep themselves warm at night by sleeping togther.  If you feel that you can only handle one, that is also fine, though your gerbil would prefer having a mate.

     If you meet all of these requirements for owning a gerbil, you will likely be a good owner, but remember, make sure the pet store knows what they're doing!              
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