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This site is dedicated to all gorgeous women out there

And yes, to all scary and dangerous ones too, I'm not picky
I can beat her! At least I think I can *pouts*

Welcome to my site!
This is the official site of the one and only Elf on the web.

You're in the gate to my world.
If ya wanna know who I am, I invite ya to sit back, relax and look around. Some stuff you'll see is serious, most stuff is totally useless though.

There's only one rule here and that's respect for each other. If you're violating this rule I'll ask ya now to get the hell outta here.
Leave without a trace, if you don't: I'll trace you!

All used sounds are from movies, can ya recognize them?
Don't forget to sign my guestbook on your way out!

[email protected]

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