Thanks to :

          Dr.S.Mercy Shalinie
                    Our project guide who is the supreme support for the success of this project.

          Amalan Joe Steeve
                    "The Repostiory" of technical knowledge with whose technical support and encouragement we came with what we are today. The guy who has been the inspiration for us to use GNU/Linux.

          Balamuragan S
                    Our Senior who is the backbone for this project and the one who initiated the thought for doing such a project.

          Arun Ponnaiah S
                    Our senior and developer of Ginterface(, a chat application for GNU/Linux platform. The guy who has been the inspiration for us. He is the man who pushed us do something with Glade.

References :

     GTK+ Reference Manual -

     The C Programming Language - Brian W.Kernighan and Dennis M.Ritchie
     Let Us C - Yashavant Kanetkar.
     man Pages.

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