No More Drama now available!
From Poet, Playwright,
Sandra Peoples,
comes new book,
'No More Drama'
Jeremy Haskins is a man who seems to have it all: Houses, cars, wealth, a perfect wife. Jeremy's life may seem perfect but what lies underneath may turn his life upside down.

    No more drama will make you laugh.

   It will make you cry.

It will cause you to think about how far would you be willing to go to forgive your mate if you caught them cheating on you? And how hard would you be willing to work to save your marriage? Would you even think it was worth saving? How deep is your love?
This is me,
Sandra P,
the author
You can order your direct from the author, and from these online dealers:
Order your Autographed copy of No More Drama by Sandra Peoples today at
                         Sandra Peoples
                         P.O Box 4386
                        Flint, Michigan 48504-0386
Cost is $15.00 and includes Shipping and Handling.
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Sandra Peoples
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Send Mail to:  Sandra Peoples
                     P.O Box 4386
                     Flint, MI 48504-0386
Get your autographed copy today!
This is the cover for 'No More Drama'.
A Sample of 'No More Drama'

Jeremy pulled into the circular drive of his three story mansion and quickly cut the engine. He couldn't wait to get inside and see his woman. Couldn't wait to give her the ring. Couldn't wait to celebrate. He stepped out of the car, gripping the dozen roses in one hand, his cell phone in the other. He hadn't even noticed the other car parked beside the street when he pulled into the drive. Just as he was about to start up the circular white brick path which led to the front door, he saw him. The tall, brown skinned, muscular man walking away from the house. It was almost like slow motion. Each stride placed more wonder in Jeremy's heart. Who was this man? And why was he coming out of his house? "Hey!" Jeremy called, immediately gaining the man's attention. "Hey, who are you?" He asked, walking faster, anticipating the moment when he and this stranger would come face to face. "Excuse me, but who are you?" Damion asked, folding his arms as if to block Jeremy's path. "Man I live here! And you got five seconds to tell me what the hell you doing coming out of my house!" Damion frowned. "My girl lives here,man." Jeremy stared at Damion in disbelief. "Wait a minute, your girl?!" "Sharee' Haskins. She's my girl." Damion explained, reaching out his hand to Jeremy. "My name is Damion. Damion Fuller. You must be her brother, Jeremy." "Her brother?" Jeremy couldn't believe his ears. He didn't know whether to laugh. Or to cry. Or to grab this dude by the neck and strangle him. Or to go in there and grab Sharee' by the neck and strangle her. "Look man, I am not Sharee's brother. I'm her husband."
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