JULY 2006
K-DOJO: CLUB-K 3000 RAVE, 7/30/06
Chiba Bluefield
39 Fans:

1. Saburo Inematsu beat Kaji Yamato (6:33) with the 369
2. SUPER-X & Yuu Yamagata beat DJ Nira & Chon-Shiryu (8:49) when Yamagata used the Yuu Lock I on Nira
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block B: Mike Lee Jr. (4) beat Boso Boy Raito (2) (9:19) with a Jacknife Hold
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block A: Yasu Urano (2) beat Teppei Ishizaka (1) (21:00) by DQ
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block B: Yuji Hino (2) beat MIYAWAKI (4) (20:34) with a German Suplex
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block A: Daigoro Kashiwa (4) beat JOE (5) (15:42) with the Kashiwa Clutch

K-DOJO: CLUB-K 3000 GET, 7/29/06
Chiba Bluefield
51 Fans:

1. Yoshiaki Yago beat Kaji Yamato (4:44) with the Three Handle Family Cradenza
2. Kengo Mashimo & Ryota Chikuzen beat Apple Miyuki & Bambi (9:17) when Chikuzen used the Katsugubai on Bambi
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block B: PSYCHO (4) beat TAKU Michinoku (0) (8:07) with the Clear Shoot
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block A: Kunio Toshima (4) beat Yusaku Obata (0) (9:13) with a Boston Crab
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block B: YOSHIYA (2) beat Makoto Oishi (2) (10:23) with the Under the Mountain
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block A: TAKA Michinoku (4) beat Shiori Asahi (4) (39:04) with the Just Facelock 2006

K-DOJO: CLUB-K 3000 RAVE, 7/22/06
Chiba Bluefield
29 Fans:

1. Daigoro Kashiwa beat Kaji Yamato (6:02) with a Headscissor Sleeper Hold
2. Yuji Hino & Yuu Yamagata beat DJ Nira & Bear Fukuda (7:31) when Yamagata pinned Nira
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block B: Saburo Inematsu (2) beat Mike Lee Jr. (2) (6:51) with a Death Valley Bomb
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block A: JOE (5) vs Teppei Ishizaka (1) went to a double count out (12:56)
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block B: MIYAWAKI (4) beat Boso Boy Raito (2) (17:03) with the Death Penalty
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block A: SUPER-X (2) beat Yasu Urano (0) (25:05) with a Shooting Star Press

K-DOJO: CLUB-K 3000 GET, 7/21/06
Chiba Bluefield
48 Fans:

1. PSYCHO beat Kaji Yamato (6:24) with the Clear Shoot
2. TAKA Michinoku & TOMO Michinoku beat Apple Miyuki & Bambi (12:35) when TAKA used the Just Facelock on Bambi
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block A: Ryota Chikuzen (2) beat Yusaku Obata (0) (11:09) with a Crab Hold
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block B: Makoto Oishi (2) beat TAKU Michinoku (0) (8:06) with a Cross Kneelock
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block A: Shiori Asahi (2) beat Kunio Toshima (2) (16:52) with the Gesshoku
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block B: Kengo Mashimo (6) beat YOSHIYA (0) (19:02) with the Mudo

K-DOJO: CLUB-K 3000 RAVE, 7/17/06
Chiba Bluefield
70 Fans:

1. Yasu Urano beat Kaji Yamato (7:32) with a Necklock
2. Saburo Inematsu & Yuu Yamagata beat DJ Nira & Guillermo "Chango" Akiba (10:51) when Inematsu used the 369 on Nira
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block B: Mike Lee Jr. (2) beat MIYAWAKI (2) (6:51) by pinfall
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block A: Daigoro Kashiwa (2) beat Teppei Ishizaka (0) (14:30) with the Mapputatsu
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block B: Boso Boy Raito (2) beat Yuji Hino (0) (10:11) with the Death Penalty
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block A: JOE (4) beat SUPER-X (0) (11:07) with an Avalanche-Style Brainbuster

K-DOJO: CLUB-K 3000 GET, 7/17/06
Chiba Bluefield
94 Fans:

1. Kunio Toshima beat Kaji Yamato (4:03) with a Dropkick
2. TAKU Michinoku & TOMO Michinoku beat Apple Miyuki & Bambi (9:15) when TAKU used the Just Combine on Bambi
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block A: TAKA Michinoku (2) beat Yusaku Obata (0) (7:30) with the Just Facelock
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block B: PSYCHO (2) beat YOSHIYA (0) (13:36) with the Special Psycho Lunch Set
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block B: Kengo Mashimo (4) beat Makoto Oishi (0) (7:07) with a Vertical Drop Brainbuster
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block A: Shiori Asahi (2) beat Ryota Chikuzen (0) (18:13) with the Modern Times X

K-DOJO: CLUB-K SUPER if, 7/16/06
Shinjuku FACE
255 Fans:

1. PSYCHO, Apple Miyuki, YOSHIYA & TOMO Michinoku beat Makoto Oishi, Shiori Asahi, Yusaku Obata & Bambi (9:59) when YOSHIYA used the Under the Mountain on Obata
2. SUPER-X beat DJ Nira (5:24) with a Reverse Figure Four Leg Lock
Surround Force: Boso Boy Raito beat Daigoro Kashiwa, Teppei Ishizaka, Yuji Hino, Yuu Yamagata, Boso Boy Left, Mr.X & Mike Lee Jr. (6:13) with the Lightning Spike on Ishizaka
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block B: MIYAWAKI (2) beat Saburo Inematsu (0) (13:49) with the Genocide
STRONGEST-K '06 GET Block B: Kengo Mashimo (2) beat TAKU Michinoku (0) (1:41) with the Shinken
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block A: JOE (2) beat Yasu Urano (0) (19:37) with an Avalanche-Style Brainbuster
STRONGEST-K '06 RAVE Block A: Kunio Toshima (2) beat TAKA Michinoku (0) (20:54) with a Backdrop

K-DOJO: CLUB-K SUPER another in NAGOYA, 7/9/06
Nakamura Sports Center
311 Fans:

1. Yuji Hino & Yuu Yamagata beat Boso Boy Raito & Boso Boy Left (10:18) when Hino used a German Suplex on Raito
2. Teppei Ishizaka beat DJ Nira (7:57) with the Omaru
3. SUPER-X & Saburo Inematsu beat Mr.X & Mike Lee Jr. (9:35) when SUPER-X used a Toke Esplada on Lee Jr.
4. Kengo Mashimo & Ryota Chikuzen beat Kunio Toshima & Yusaku Obata (12:20) when Mashimo used the Mudo on Obata
5. TAKA Michinoku, TAKU Michinoku, TOMO Michinoku & Quiet Storm beat Apple Miyuki, YOSHIYA, Shiori Asahi & Bambi (11:32) when TAKA used the Michinoku Driver II on Asahi
UWA World Middleweight Title: PSYCHO (c) beat Makoto Oishi (13:48) with the High Fly Bomb (4th Defense)
STRONGEST-K Tag Team Title: JOE & Yasu Urano (c) beat Daigoro Kashiwa & MIYAWAKI (22:15) when JOE used the Handsome Lock on MIYAWAKI (1st Defense)

K-DOJO: CLUB-K SUPER another in OSAKA, 7/8/06
Osaka IMP Hall
410 Fans:

1. SUPER-X, Saburo Inematsu & Yuu Yamagata beat Boso Boy Raito, Boso Boy Left & DJ Nira (4:13) when SUPER-X used the BULLET RIDE on Nira
2. PSYCHO & Bambi beat Kunio Toshima & Yusaku Obata (6:08) when PSYCHO used the High Fly Bomb on Obata
3. Daigoro Kashiwa, Teppei Ishizaka & MIYAWAKI beat Yasu Urano, Mr.X & Mike Lee Jr. (11:57) when MIYAWAKI used the Death Penalty on Lee Jr.
4. Kengo Mashimo & Ryota Chikuzen beat Makoto Oishi & Shiori Asahi (12:31) when Mashimo used the Mudo on Asahi
WEW Hardcore Tag Team Title: Apple Miyuki & YOSHIYA beat TAKA Michinoku & TOMO Michinoku (c) (8:43) when Miyuki pinned TOMO after YOSHIYA used the Under the Mountain to become the 18th Champions
CHAMPION OF STRONGEST-K: JOE (c) beat Yuji Hino (22:07) with an Avalanche-Style Brainbuster (5th Defense)

Chiba Bluefield
89 Fans:

1. Ryota Chikuzen & Yoshiaki Yago beat Shiori Asahi & Yusaku Obata (8:44) when Chikuzen used a Single-Leg Crab Hold on Obata
Three Way: Yuu Yamagata beat Teppei Ishizaka & DJ Nira (7:52) with the Yuu Lock I on Nira
3. Daigoro Kashiwa & MIYAWAKI beat Boso Boy Raito & Boso Boy Left (10:22) when Kashiwa used a Cross Armbreaker Cradle Cutback on Left
4. YOSHIYA, PSYCHO & Makoto Oishi beat TAKA Michinoku, TAKU Michinoku & TOMO Michinoku (16:38) when Oishi used the Zebbin Fly Bomb on TAKU
5. Kengo Mashimo beat Kunio Toshima (13:32) with the Mudo (TKO)
2/3 Falls: JOE, Yasu Urano & Mr.X beat Yuji Hino, SUPER-X & Saburo Inematsu (2-1).
- Yuji Hino used a German Suplex on Lee Jr. (9:07)
- Mike Lee Jr. used a Jacknife Hold on SUPER-X (3:05)
- JOE used the Handsome Lock on Saburo Inematsu (13:16)
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