Height: 177cm (5'10")
85kg (187lbs)
Date of Birth:
Matsuyama City, Ehime
2/20/2002 (vs. TAKA Michinoku)
Favourite Moves:
BULLET RIDE, Jumping High Kick, Toke Esplada, Shooting Star Press, Ranhei
Unit History: X's (2002 - 2003), New Standard (2005 - 2006)

STRONGEST-K Tag Team Title: 1
- (w/ Kengo Mashimo) Ryota Chikuzen & KAZMA (10/7/07) / TAKA Michinoku & JOE (11/5/07)

UWA World Middleweight Title: 1
- Yasu Urano (10/25/03) / Sambo Oishi (4/25/04)

UWA & UWF Intercontinental Tag Team Titles: 1
- (w/ Mike Lee Jr.) Mr.X & X No2 (11/23/03) / Daigoro Kashiwa & Teppei Ishizaka (1/25/04)

- UWA World Middleweight Title #1 Contender Tournament (2003): X No.3 beat X No.2 (13:53) with the BULLET RIDE
K-SURVIVOR '03 (2003): MIYAWAKI, Kengo Mashimo, Kunio Toshima, SUPER-X, Mike Lee Jr. & Yuu Yamagata beat Hi69, GENTARO, KAZMA, Daigoro Kashiwa, Teppei Ishizaka & PSYCHO (28:45) when MIYAWAKI used the Death Penalty on Hi69
STRONGEST-K Tag League '07 (2007): Kengo Mashimo & Madoka beat Makoto Oishi & Shiori Asahi (23:12) when Madoka used a Shooting Star Press on Oishi
- GPWA Differ Cup 2007 (2007): Kengo Mashimo & Madoka beat HARASHIMA & Kota Iifushi (26:16) when Mashimo used a Vertical Drop Brainbuster on Iifushi
Debuting in Puerto Rico as Shodai Silver Wolf, Madoka debuted against TAKA. While in Puerto Rico, Madoka took part in a mask war and lost his mask. Madoka started off his K-DOJO career as one of the mysterious masked Mr.X's as X No.3. Being the tallest and as many say, the most talented of the X Clan, he found the most success out of the lot, winning the UWA World Middleweight Title. In late 2003, Madoka left the X's and became SUPER-X, turning face and winning the UWA & UWF Intercontinental tag team titles off his old friends, Mr.X & X No.2. Since then, SUPER-X began to team with Kengo Mashimo, then Hi69. SUPER-X was drawn to the RAVE roster and resumed his teaming with Hi69 against Basilisk, but eventually left the RAVE army to side with Yuji Hino's New Standard, his focus mainly on Mr.X who he challenged to a Mask vs Mask match, but was declined. After drifting for the majority of the year, in November 2006, Madoka finally lost the mask of SUPER-X and showed his real self while forming a makeshift alliance with Kengo Mashimo before challenging his old friend for his first shot at K-DOJO's top title. Mashimo and Madoka continued to team after that, finding success both in and out of K-DOJO, winning the STRONGEST-K Tag League in 2007 and the Differ Cup soon after. By September 2007, Madoka was established as one of the top fighters in K-DOJO after a very strong showing in the STRONGEST-K tournament where he picked up huge wins over JOE & YOSHIYA. Madoka won his first gold since unmasking on 10/7/07 when he and Mashimo dethroned Chikuzen & KAZMA for the STRONGEST-K Tag Team titles. Madoka utilizes his speed and agility well with many awe drawing dives and air moves, which makes him a favourite amongst K-DOJO fans.
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