Biography of Edmund A. Barlow

Robinson, Doane. History of South Dakota. Vol. II, pages 1509-1510. 1904.

EMUND A. BARLOW, who is register of deeds of Lyman county, is one of the honored pioneers of the state and is at the present time president of the Old Settlers' Association of the county. He was born in Eaton, province of Quebec. Canada, on the 14th of February, 1855, and is a son of George F. and Ann (Day) Barlow, both of whom were born in the state of New Hampshire, whence they removed to the province of Quebec in the same year in which their marriage was solemnized, passing the remainder of their lives in the dominion of Canada, the father being a carpenter and inventor. The subject received his early educational training in his native province, and at the age of seventeen years removed thence to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where he continued to attend school as opportunity afforded, defraying his expenses for a time by clerking in mercantile establishments and later by teaching in the public schools. In 1879 he attended the Wisconsin State Normal School, at River Falls, and in the following year came to what is now the state of South Dakota, locating in Flandreau, Moody county, where he secured a clerical position in the important mercantile house of the W. Jones Company. About three years later he purchased the business, which he successfully continued until 1887, when he disposed of the same and purchased the general merchandise business of Ross Whalen, in Artesian, Sanborn county, South Dakota. In the fall of 1889 he removed thence to Chamberlain, South Dakota, purchasing a stock of general merchandise and preparing to engage in business immediately upon the opening of the Sioux Indian reservation to settlement, this occurring the following spring. He then brought his stock of goods to Lyman, where he continued his mercantile business about eighteen months, at the expiration of which he sold out and engaged in ranching, to which line of enterprise he successfully gave his attention until June 1903 when he disposed of his interests in that line, in order to assume the duties of his present office. He is a staunch adherent of the Democratic party, and in 1890 he was appointed Postmaster at Lyman, serving about three years. He also served one term as County Superintendent of Schools and four years as Justice of the Peace ever proving worthy of the confidence reposed in him by the people of the county. In November, 1902, Mr. Barlow was elected to his present office, that of Register of Deeds, for which he is specially well qualified. He has ever taken a lively interest in educational affairs in the county and has done much to advance the cause. He is a member of Flandreau Lodge, No. 11, Free and Accepted Masons: Pilgrim Chapter, No. 32, Royal Arch Masons; Cyrene Commandery, No. 2 Knights Templar, at Sioux Falls, and Lodge No. 9449, Modern Woodmen of America. He has served as president of the Old Settlers' Association of Lyman county since 1900, is well known throughout this section and is held in the highest esteem in business and social circles.

On the 23rd of November, 1883, Mr. Barlow was united in marriage to Miss Carrie Jones, of Flandreau, this state, no children having been born of this union.