Pine Ridge Agency, S.D.

April 4, 1904
Miss Bushnell,
Teacher Private School

The Department requires us to report upon the regularity in the attendance of all Indian children attending Public Schools, etc., and therefore you are requested to render a monthly report of the attendance of all Indian children attending your school, and to report to the Agent at once any absence of such pupils. It is only with this understanding that such pupils are allowed to attend your school that they attend regularly. In the day schools under my charge I insist universally upon the pupils responding quickly and distinctly, and if at any time any of the Indian pupils fail to do this you are requested to notify the office, and if it can not be remedied such pupil will be returned to the Boarding school.

With the best wishes for success in your school, I am

Very sincerely,

J.J. Duncan (signed)

Day School Inspector.
