Obituaries of Alma Bushnell Phillips


The sad news has been received here of the death of Mrs. Wm. R. Phillips, at Brentford, this state, Thursday, February 9th.

All of the earlier residents of Blunt will remember Mrs. Phillips as Alma Bushnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Levi N. Bushnell. Her father, a veteran of the Civil war, and her brother, Arthur, a Sanish-American war veteran, passed away here years ago and were laid to rest in Blunt cemetery where each year on Memorial day they receive the recognition accorded those who have served their country in time of need.

Mrs. Phillips was born and grew to young womanhood in this locality. Here she met and was married to Wm. R. (Billy) Phillips, a popular young man of the town, and soon afterward they removed to Brentford where they have since resided and reared a family.

With the passing of years many young people have grown up and moved away from Blunt, as young people do the world over, seeking new opportunities in new fields. Memory of them, in some insances, grows dim with the passing of years, but to the earlier residents here, recollectioms of Alma Phillips are as vivid as though twenty five or more years had not elapsed since she resided here. Her's was a character which makes a lasting impress upon a community. A bright student, a sweet singer, a tireless Sunday school and church worker, she was the gently aggressive instrument through which many helpful local activities were promoted and maintained for the benefit of the community, particularly the children. Her sweet disposition, unselfish interest in others, and true Christian character imparted to her a personal charm that radiated sunshine over the life of her associates. Friends will whole-heartedly agree with the words of the bereaved husband: "She was one of God's best creations."


Community Saddened by Death of Mrs. W.R. Phillips of Brentford.
Funeral Held Sunday

Alma Bushnell was born on a claim in Sully County near Blunt, S.D. on October 2, 1884. Her father, Levi Bushnell, was of Puritan descent and her mother was of Holland.

While Alma was still quite small the family moved to Blunt. Mr. Bushnell died there while she, one of eight children, was quite young, leaving the mother to raise the family.

The grade schools of Blunt gave Alma her early education and she then attended the Pierre high school for three years. Her natural talent for music and the desire for service found expression when she was only twelve years old while she acted in the capacity of organist at the first Methodist Church of Blunt. She united with the church at an early age and has always found her greatest delight in service for her Master.

She taught in a select school at Pine Ridge Indian Agency for a number of years and also worked in the office of the Blunt Advocate.

On June 21, 1905, she was united in marriage to William R. Phillips. To this union were born eight children, George Howard, William Bushnell, Ruth Elizabeth, Audrey Estelle, Dorothy Elaine, Kathryn Esther, Walter B., and Arden Lewis, all of whom survive her except except Dorothy, who died in infancy.

In 1909 the family left Blunt and settled in Osceola. From there they moved to Claremont where they lived until removing to Brentford in 1915.

On April 24, 1917 she joined the Order of the Eastern Star and was always one of it's most faithful workers, serving as organist for three years, Treasurer one year and filling the station of Electa for a part of a year and other stations as needed. In 1921 she was elected Associate Conductress and advanced to the other stations, serving two years as Associate Matron because of the condition of her health.

She was installed Worthy Matron last December and has served as a beloved leader for only 3 meetings.

She united with the Brentford Congregational church soon after they arrived and has served as organist and chorister for a number of years and as President of the Ladies Union for two years.

She was called to her reward on Thursday February 9th, 1928. In her passing on, the entire community feels a sense of great personal loss - a woman of wonderful understanding and warm sympathy - to know was to love her.

She is survived by her husband, seven children, her mother, Mrs. Hannah Hilory of Clarkston, Washington, one brother, George Bushnell, and two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Foote and Blanche Bell besides a host of friends to testify to the excellency of her service.

Funeral services were held Ssunday afternoon at the Congregational Church. Rev. James was assisted in the services by the Rev. Brown of Conde. At the close of the church services the O.E.S. members put on a short but very impressive ceremony. The casket was surrounded by masses of beautiful flowers. The pall bearers were Bert Eske, Lloyd Kettering, Chas. Strauch, William LaBay, Herman Mielke and Lewis Nelson.

The choir was a double quartette consisting of Paul Opsahl, Mrs. S.C. Mitchell, Mrs. L.R. Kettering, Mrs. Henry Lenth, Mrs. Lewis Nelson, I.A. Nietert, S.C. Mitchell with Mrs. W.J. LaBay at the piano.

Those in attendance from a distance were Mrs. Fuller, mother of W.R. Phillips, Mrs. Garthwaite, a sister and Mrs. Knoff of Mankato, Minn., a sister, Mrs. Joseph Brady and husband of St. Peter, Minn., and Dr. and Mrs. B.F. Markin of Columbia, who were friends of long standing.


Mrs. Wm. Phillips dies Thursday;

Brentford and Doland Basketball teams meet -- Other Brentford News

The community was deeply shocked Thursday to learn of the death of Mrs. William Phillips who passed away at her home Thursday after a brief illness with pneumonia. Mrs. Phillips was a faithful and devoted member of the Congregational Church, was also a member of the Ladies Union and Sodale Club and Worthy Matron of the O.E.S. Lodge here. Mrs. Phillips was possessed of a very kind and loving disposition and was always very active in all organizations to which she belonged. She leaves to mourn her passing her husband and seven children, beside other relatives. The community extends their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.