Obituary of Levi N. Bushnell

From the Blunt Advocate, Blunt, Hughes, SD, Friday, July 7, 1893.

Death's Call

It becomes the writer's painful duty to record a death--the first that has occurred in Blunt since he came here in March. Levi N. Bushnell, who had been confined to his home with illness a fortnight or more, died Tuesday afternoon, July 4th, and was buried from the M.E. Church on Wednesday. Rev. J. Lewis, assisted by Rev. Rayson officiated at the services. Mr. Bushnell was born in Ohio, had been a resident of Dakota several years, and was aged 54 years at the time of his death. He was a soldier in the war, having been a member of Co. C 6th Wis. Vol. (the famous Iron Brigade). He was a pensioner, and very properly so, as he suffered from poor health for several years. He was quartermaster of Dumont Post, G.A.R., and highly esteemed member of the order, which showed it's respect for their fallen comrade by attending the obsequies in a body. Mr. Bushnell was a member of the M.E. Church, a good husband and father and a respected citizen. He leaves a wife and several children, most of them young in years.

A Second Storm

The great storm of Monday was duplicated by another Wednesday afternoon, coming also from the northwest, and nearly if not fully as severe in it's character.

At this time a large portion of the people were at the funeral of Mr. Bushnell in the M.E. Church. The storm struck the edifice with great force threatening it's safety. The services quickly ceased and almost a panic ensued. The larger number remained in the church however and no damage occurred except the breaking of a window and the slight racking of the building from the upright. After the storm was over the G.A.R. which had the funeral in charge, completed the burial services at the cemetery.