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Mrs. Ellen Coon (Ellen O'Connell Dailey). Born in County Cork, Ireland, Nov. 23, 1834. Settled in Mitchell County Spring of 1855.

PATRICK DAILEY, born about 1830 in Ireland, was married to Ellen O'Connell, born 23 Nov 1834, about 1853. I don't know when they came here, if they came directly from Ireland, or by way of Canada, and I don't know if they came together or if they married here.

Family lore says Ellen had a sister who was a nun and remained in Ireland. Ellen's youngest son, William, periodically sent money to his aunt, the nun, in Ireland.

Patrick died at Dubuque, Dubuque, IA about 1855, while traveling to Mitchell, Mitchell, IA. The story is that Patrick died in the night while the family was staying at a boarding house, and a small child died the same night. The two were said to have been buried in the same grave, the whereabouts of which is not known.

Patrick's family was Catholic and I tend to believe he was not just "dumped into a hole in the ground." However Catholic records for Dubuque are missing for those years and I am told there was a cholera epidemic there at the time and people were in fact buried quickly because there were so many of them. The result is I may never know any more about Patrick.

Ellen, with son James, about one year old, and pregnant with William, continued on to Mitchell. She appears in an 1856 census (see census page) of Mitchell Township, Mitchell, IA living in the LANE household with her two young sons. It is possible they were headed to meet the LANES in the first place, as the LANES were also born in Ireland.

Samuel Coon, (Deceased). Born in Pennsylvania August 8, 1832. Settled in Mitchell County, Fall of 1855. With VERA COLE, Granddaughter.

Ellen remarried to Samuel Coon on 15 Mar 1860 and had four more children with him. She died 25 Sep 1897. Samuel died 13 MAR 1907. Both are buried at Oakgrove Cemetary in Mitchell, Mitchell, IA.

Ellen's obituary.       Samuel's obituary.

1. James DAILEY was born 23 Apr 1854. James came to Dakota Territory in 1876 and on 02 Jun 1876 filed application number 7074 to enter the SE Quarter of Section 30 in Township 106 North of Range 47 West, Moody, DT, containing 160 acres.

His home, built 10 Nov 1876, was a frame house 12 feet by 28 feet. He dug a well, built a frame stable, broke 90 acres and had raised crops for six seasons at the time of "proving up".

James and Agnes ROBERSON were married in 1884.

On 28 Mar 1890 James received certificate number 463 for a "tree claim" for the NE Quarter of Section 30 in Township 106 North of Range 47 West, Moody, DT.

At some point, I don't know when, James moved to Oklahoma.

James Dailey biography.

2. William Dailey was born 11 Oct 1855 at Mitchell, Mitchell, IA.

Will Dailey biography.