From the Blunt Advocate, Blunt, SD, Friday, June 23, 1905


The sun shone bright and fair on Wednesday, June 21, the day when Mr. Wm. R. Phillips led to the alter Miss Alma A. Bushnell, and the two young people whose hearts had long been in each others keeping were made one through a union of bands. The ceremony was performed at 7:00 p.m. in the M.E. church, the pastor Rev. C. J. Gall officiating. The bride was escorted to the alter by Mr. R. T. Baker. The bridesmaids were Misses Janette Jarvis and Eva Willoughby, and Mr. Howard Marvin was best man. Leslie Greer bore the wedding circlet, and Hazel Gunsals and Bernice Ahrens were flower girls, J. G. Lillibridge and Seward Leeper ushers. Mrs Greer presided at the organ, and Mrs. Walker sang the song "Sweethearts."

The bride was charmingly attired in white chiffon over silk, the dress being the work of her own hands. Lillies of the Valley were in her hair and her bouquet was of roses. A floral screen extended the length of the alter rail forming a handsome background to the party during the ceremony; the floral decorations were profuse, and all arrangements were in harmony, evidencing the good taste of Mr. Lillibridge who was in charge. The ceremony was winessed by perhaps a hundred persons. Immediately following a reception was held at the hiome of the bride's mother, Mrs. Bushnell, the newly married pair receiving the congratulations of their friends, and the wedding supper was then served. The bride received numerous presents of silver, cut glass, linen, etc. The grooms gift consisted of a set of Shakespeare's works.

The young people who have thus auspiciously begun their married life can count as friends all who know them. The bride has grown up from childhood in our midst, and her amiability, goodness of heart, and pleasing personality cause her to be much beloved. The groom is one of our stirring young business men who has made Blunt his home several years and has the esteem of all. Sincere are the wishes of all for their happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will go to housekeeping in Mrs. Bushnell's house which they will furnish anew.