

March - April

New Products in the Shop

Craft Skills for Model Animation

This is the latest book to be included in the shop and it's a must have in my opinion if you are interested in making your own animations. It gives practical advice on how to make characters, props, sets and lots more. If you want to make a model animation buy this book. Buy this book now buy clicking on the image opposite or if you want to see what other books are available in the shop check out the shop.

Finding Nemo

This is another classic animation from the makers of toy story and monster inc. If you liked watching any of these films then you'll like this one too. Sutible for all ages.

New Animation Series in Development


Work is well underway in the research for this new animation and the Development of Story and Characters is progressing too. However as we are still at the early stages I dont want to give to much away as yet but keep checking back for the latest updates as hopefully in the neer future you will be able to see some early sketches. Work is also due to begin soon on the building of the set. Details of which will be available in the animation information section when it becomes available.

Check out the new page for my new animation.

New Designs in the T shirt Shop
Now Open

The T shirt shop was launched at the start of this year along with the changes to the website and since then we have added some more designs to the shop giving you a larger variety. The designs are likely to change over the year and the new range will no doubt be available about the summer. However why not check out what we have on offer at the moment by visiting the T shirt Shop now.

This shop is in association with

The next news update should be about the start of May.


See you in May.

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