Animation Books


in association with

Stop Motion Animation
Drawn Animation
Computer Animation
General Animation Books
The Process of Animation
Animation Theory



Animation Books

The Animation Book
The Animation Book
Kit Laybourne

An extensive guide of all animations giving a breif history, the different types and explanations on how to make them. A useful book for anyone starting out in animation.

Prices can vary. Click on the image for the latest prices.

Timing for Animation
A useful guide on timing issues in animation in order to make the action apear believable. It gives information on how long various types of movements should last plus lots more.

Acting For Animators
Acting For Animators

Film Animation

The Animators Survival Kit
The Animators Survival Kit
Richard Williams

With theorys, tips and lots of helpful information this is a must have book for any animator and is one that you will refer to over and over again. It doesn't mater either if it's 2D, 3D or computer animation because the principals covered are common to all forms of animation. A must have book for any animator.

Prices can vary. Click on the image for the latest prices.

Inspired 3D Animation

What made thunderbirds go

Stop - Motion

Cracking Animation
Cracking Animation
Peter Lord & Brian Sibley

A great book to teach you how to make animation. Full of hints and tips for the whole process of stopmotion animation. I used this as a workbook to teach me how to make the animation that you can watch on this website. A must have book!

Prices can vary. Click on the image for the latest prices.

Stop-motion Armature Machining

If you need help with armatures and how to make your own with lot's of usefull information to enable you to create a good structure for your characters then you'll want this book.

Prices can vary. Click on the image for the latest prices.

Stop Motion - Craft Skills for Model Animation

A must have book for anyone interested in stop motion animation. Buy it now by clicking on the above link.



The Art of Computer Animation and Effects

Handbook of Computer Animation

Blue Sky The Art of Computer Animation
Blue Sky The Art of Computer Animation

Computer Animation: A Whole New World

of Animation

How to Write for Animation

Want to make an animation think you've got a story but don't know how to go about writing it. This book does just that it helps you write your animation.

Producing Animation

Filming on a Micro Buget

The Animators Workbook

The Art of layout Storyboarding


The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation

How to Draw Animation
How to Draw Animation

Cartoon Animation: Basic Skills


Understanding Animation
Understanding Animation

This book looks at some of the theorys and trys to explain and understand them. A good resource book for any animation essay.

A Reader in Animation Studies
A Reader in Animation Studies

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