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Hello everybody! This is just basically a little up to date blurb about what's going on in my life, and all around me seeing how I don't get to see some of you guys all that much :)
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February 17, 2002

February. The month of love. :) Or the month of infatuation and crushes. Also, the month of depression and heartache. I used to be in the category of the depressed. Well, when it comes to certain things, it is. Mostly I am in the category of the infatuated though. There is a particular someone who is a cutie that I am crushing on. *Sigh* If only that one other person hadn't been joking about the cutie asking me to prom. That would have been great if it was true. It still might be true, you never know. He might have been denying it because he thought that I would never say yes to him or he thought that I hated him or something. If only he knew that I think he is a total cutie and is really smart, and is really nice. *Sigh* Lol, anywho, I am vulnerable at the moment, so yeah, ignore me :) What else has been going on...oh, of course. How could I possibly forget. Exactly ten days ago, Kathy left our lives to go to heaven. May she be watched over up there are in better health. Rest In Peace Kathy. That was a hirroble day. No, the viewing was even more horrible. Didn't look like her at all. And we all looked at her, and were like, her chest just moved. She's breathing. Evil trickery. We just wished that would have happened. But she is better off where she is now sadly, she was in pretty bad shape. But she was so young still, she should be back here. :(
March 22, 2002

Well, yeah, the whole "Frank" thing didn't work out like I hoped. Stupid stupid Mr. LKK. Grrr. I'm slowly working on having that turn around though...these things take time ya know, lol. What else has been going, lots of things really. I grew two inches. Yay! School is going great, I got named Student of the Month for one knows what though, lol. I'm getting awesome grades in all my classes. At work...I am still the library assistant at Two Rivers Elem. and Jess is my partner in crime there, lol. Also, I am going to start teaching a computer class in a couple of weeks, which I am excited about. I've been babysitting the cute monsters a bunch....Hmm, there's more going on....I just can't think though, lol. Too tired!
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